“How about we just be girlfriends who put on a movie they both know they’re not going to watch and just lay here falling asleep in each other’s arms?”

“Mm,” Krissy murmured. “But I’m too sleepy to reach for the remote.”

“Imagine how our ancestors suffered,” Becca said slowly. “My dad tells me that when he was a kid, people used to have to get up to turn on the TV.”

“Were there still dinosaurs back then?” Krissy asked.

Becca opened her eyes and willed herself to reach for the remote she spotted on the coffee table. After a couple of button presses, Netflix started playing an old Denzel Washington movie. She toed off her shoes and started lying down, pulling Krissy down with her.

Once they were both comfortable, with Becca spooning Krissy, Becca said, “I’m glad we’re girlfriends now.”

Krissy snuggled even deeper into Becca’s embrace and Becca tightened her arms around her.

“Me too, baby,” Krissy said. “When we wake up, I’m ravishing you.”

“You’d better.”


The ravishing didn’t start as soon as they woke up, but pretty close to it. After they had gotten off the sofa and both used the bathroom, Becca suddenly found her arms full of Krissy when her best-friend-turned-girlfriend-but-still-best-friend pounced on her in the bedroom, claiming her lips for urgent kissing which Becca was only more than happy to return.

“God, I can’t believe I get to do this whenever I want now,” Krissy said when they broke for a quick breath, just before the kissing resumed.

Becca agreed. She still felt like she was in some kind of Twilight Zone-esque alternate version of her own life. Krissy in her house? Happens all the time. Krissy in her bedroom? The woman even kept a toothbrush here. But Krissy in her arms, their tongues swirling against one another? This was still so brand-new that part of Becca didn’t believe it was true.

She yanked Krissy’s Lululemon top off and immediately bent down to begin sucking on the newly released nipples, Krissy’s breathing picking up pace as she did so.

“God, Becca…”

While she sucked, Becca started pushing Krissy’s expensive shorts down, Krissy taking over the task when it was clear what was required. When Krissy was nude, Becca straightened herself up and just held Krissy against her, nuzzling her neck while her hands slid down to Krissy’s ass and started squeezing the round cheeks, eliciting moans from her girlfriend.

“You need to get these fucking clothes off,” Krissy hissed after a moment, her fingers already tugging at the waistband of Becca’s shorts.

Becca didn’t waste any more time, peeling off her athletic-wear in double-quick time and then falling backwards onto the bed, pulling Krissy down with her.

Would she ever stop loving the sensation of an unclothed Krissy atop her? It wasn’t just another woman, like the many others Becca had had atop her like this. This was Krissy, whom Becca’s soul had wanted for too long and whom it now got to have and experience.

“Krissy…” Becca managed to murmur when their latest kiss ended, needing to say her name as if to ensure her soul that this was real, that this was in fact the Krissy whose silky smooth body was rubbing against hers and not that of some imposter.

Becca felt her legs split by Krissy’s thigh and contact made with her pussy.

“Oh my fuuuuuuck,” Becca groaned, instinctively beginning to grind her sex against the surface Krissy was providing. She was so wet that her folds slid easily over Krissy’s skin while jolts of pleasure began spreading through her core.

“I believe you said something about a toy…” Krissy prodded.

“Don’t want to waste time, huh?” Becca asked, still humping her girlfriend’s thigh.

“We’ve wasted enough time, Becs.”

That made Becca grab Krissy’s head and pull it down for a deep and intense kiss. She allowed herself a few more rubs of her pussy against Krissy’s leg and then broke the kiss and said, “Let me up!”

When Krissy rolled off her, Becca turned herself around on the mattress so that now she was on her belly with her head and arms hanging over the edge. Her bed had large storage drawers built into the frame and Becca pulled one of these open. Inside was a wooden chest she had bought an arts fair several years ago.

Her toy box.

The variety of toys was impressive, a collection amassed over years, but she was after one in particular. It was kept in a black velvet drawstring sack, which she now removed from the chest. Even doing this simple act made her clit throb hard in anticipation.

“Lay the fuck down,” she ordered Krissy, who did as she was told, lying on her back, spreading her legs, obviously ready for whatever Becca wanted.