Krissy groaned.

“I wish I wasn’t so hungry!” she said.

Becca laughed.

“Okay, let’s take our minds off sex,” she declared.

“Deal,” Krissy agreed. “I mean, I don’t want to, but deal. So, I have a question…”


“Were you always attracted to me?”

“Didn’t I just tell you how I wanted to tie you to the bed the first time I saw you?”

“No, no…I get that,” Krissy said, “and I soooooo would have let you tie me to the bed back then, but when did it go beyond that? Because that’s just lust.”

“When did it go beyond that for you?”

“I asked you first!”

Becca sighed.

“Fine,” she said. She considered the question, remembering her first few encounters with Krissy—playing volleyball, chatting in the locker room, having drinks with the others after their games. When she hadn’t been daydreaming about this new person in her life being tied to her four-poster, she realized that Krissy was funny and rather brilliant, and that for some reason, Krissy and her were hitting it off fabulously.

When did the notion of being attracted to this woman first make itself known to Becca? Was it the first time they had post-volleyball drinks alone together because the other women couldn’t join them for various reasons? Was it when they discovered they both lived in Carlsbad and one of them said something like, “Why don’t we meet up for coffee?”, starting a habit of coffee dates, first at a place called Your Best Shot before Krissy one day said, “We should try that new place, La Vida Mocha. I heard it’s run by lesbians!”

“I think I was always attracted to you, Krissy,” Becca said. “You’re amazing. But I think I always figured you were unobtainable.”

“Shut up!” Krissy exclaimed. “So did I!”

Becca blinked.

“Wait…you thought I was unobtainable?”

Krissy scoffed.

“Super unobtainable! Wait, why did you think I was unobtainable?”

“Because you had a new girlfriend every hour, Krissy! I didn’t think you’d be interested in something as boring as a committed relationship.”

Krissy raised her eyebrows.

“Is being in a committed relationship with you going to be boring?” she asked.

“You know what I meant!” Becca chastised. “Now, why did you think I was unobtainable?”

Krissy stared at her for several moments.

“Honestly?” she asked.

“Well, if we’re going to start this thing off by lying to each other, then let’s forget about it,” Becca quipped.

“Okay,” Krissy began, “I thought you were unobtainable because I figured you didn’t think I was…” She swallowed. “…good enough.”

Becca reached for

Krissy’s hand again and brought it to her lips. She gave Krissy’s fingers a kiss, grateful that this was something she was now allowed to do.