Krissy moved her hands down to cup Becca’s ass.

“Well,” she began, “I want you to tell everybody about us. And you can start with that redheaded bitch from the beach and any other fangirls who might be around.”

Becca laughed.

“Deal,” she said. “And speaking of lunch…I’m starving!”

“Me too,” Krissy said, her hands still cupping Becca’s ass. She waggled her eyebrows. “Let’s go on our first official date.”

Becca smiled.

“Love it! Where should we go?”

“How about Roosevelt Pizza? We’ve never been there.”

Becca’s mouth dropped open.

“That’s literally our favorite restaurant, Krissy! We’ve been there a bazillion times!”

“But not as girlfriends!” Krissy retorted.

Becca looked at her as if she was crazy.

“Which means,” she began, “that according to your logic, we’ve never been to La Vida Mocha, either, even though we’ve bought enough coffee there to pay off Vanessa’s mortgage.”

“Duh!” Krissy exclaimed. Really, what was so hard to understand about this? “Let’s go get ready because I’m starving too.”

They were ready to go in about thirty minutes, again looking like Lululemon twinsies.

“By the way,” Krissy said as they went into Becca’s garage to get in her Jeep, “I packed another outfit for tomorrow; you know, in case I ended up staying the night again. Unless, you’d rather…”

She left the sentence unfinished, but her meaning was clear.

Becca looked at her.

“I want you to stay, Krissy. You know that.”

“Just checking,” Krissy said, a teasing lilt in her tone. She got into the Jeep. “Don’t want you getting scared off or anything.”

“Oh my god,” Becca said, laughing and fastening her seatbelt. “Is this what I have to put up with now?”

Krissy put on her sunglasses.

“Oh, please. After four years, you knew what you were getting into. Now, drive, so we can get back and continue making up for lost time in the bedroom.”

Chapter 19

Becca had to admit that her best friend’s…

No…GIRLfriend, remember!

…that her girlfriend’s weirdo comment about coming to a restaurant they’ve been to at least once a week for four years felt different now. Why that was, she couldn’t put her finger on. Maybe it was because now there was a Before and After to everything she did with Krissy from this point forward. Roosevelt Pizza may be the exact same restaurant it always has been, but Before, Krissy was just a friend Becca was hanging out with to eat decadent pizza, both of them complaining about how they’d need to run twenty miles to burn off all the calories. Now, she and Krissy were here on a date.

Becca supposed everywhere they went from now on would be classified as a date, with all the weight and responsibilities that word entailed. Thus, Roosevelt Pizza, though exactly the same as always, felt different somehow. Before, it was just their favorite restaurant. Now, After, it was their favorite restaurant—Becca’s and Krissy’s. The couple.

The owner recognized Becca from recent news coverage and insisted on buying their lunch, despite Becca’s protestations. This was a perk of her fifteen minutes of fame that she was completely uncomfortable with. However, when the owner joked that he might need Becca one day to save him from the roof of a burning building, she felt it would be rude not to accept his offer.

At their table, waiting for the food to arrive, Becca quipped, “Well, looks like every time I take you out on a date and offer to pay, I’ll be able to just get it for free.”