“You have?” she asked, afraid to move.

Becca scoffed.

“Oh, come off it, Krissy!”

“No, seriously, Becca, I have no idea what you’re talking about! I thought I was the one with the stupid schoolgirl crush.”


How long it lasted, Krissy had no idea. Eventually, though, she felt brave enough to turn her head to her left. She found Becca, her head turned to the right, staring at her. Becca’s eyes were wet and they had a pleading look to them. Krissy realized at that moment that Becca had spent the past few moments believing that she was capable of exploiting Becca’s crush on her just for the sake of earning another notch in her bedpost.

Again, her heart broke.

This time she didn’t care that Becca could see the tears falling from her eyes.

“Becca,” she began, her lip trembling, “I swear to god, I would never d

o that to you. I know I don’t have the best reputation, okay? I get that. But this is not that.”

She tried to telegraph her sincerity with her eyes, to make Becca believe that she wanted her for more than quick lay, a one-night stand. Far more.

Did it work?

Because suddenly, Becca rolled onto her side, facing Krissy.

Quickly, Krissy rolled onto her side to mirror Becca’s movement.

“I don’t want to just fuck you, Krissy,” Becca said evenly.

Was it too soon to lighten things up?

“But you do want to fuck me?” she asked teasingly.

“Krissy.” Becca’s eyes flashed sternly.

Too soon.

“Sorry,” she said quickly. “Sorry.” She took another deep breath. “I don’t want to just fuck you either. Becca, I swear.”

A fat tear rolled out of Becca’s left eye, crossed the bridge of her nose and dropped onto the mattress.

“Sweetie, don’t cry!” Krissy pleaded, crying herself.

Becca sniffed.

“Krissy…god, I love you too much to lose you as a friend!”

“I know! I feel the same. I promise I do!”

They were both full-on crying now, neither attempting to hide it.

“This can’t be just fucking!” Becca said.

Krissy wanted to scream in frustration while at the same time her heart began to soar.

She feels the same! Oh my god, she feels the same!

“Sweetie,” Krissy said, realizing the onus was on her—fairly or unfairly—to prove herself, “I don’t want you to just fuck me! I want you to wake up next to me. I fucking demand you wake up next me! And take me out to dinner and buy me flowers!”