Becca looked at her friend and shook her head.

“Of course I don’t,” she said. If anything, she wanted them both to stay here for days. “Besides,” she continued, lowering her voice, “when I have a gorgeous woman in my bed, why would I want to get out of it?”

She saw a change come over Krissy’s eyes—a mixture of lust and nervousness. After swallowing hard, Krissy scootched a little closer. Becca’s heart began thudding.

Without breaking eye contact, Krissy reached forward and now Becca felt her friend’s hand stroking the back of her neck softly at the same moment their legs began entwining under the covers.

This has to stop!

But all that happened was Becca’s breathing increased and a little whimper escaped from her lips. She needed to stop this, she knew that, but where was the strength to do so?

Krissy, after playing with the soft hairs at the back of her neck, now ran her fingertips along Becca’s ear and then along her cheek and then finally along Becca’s lower lip. Becca parted her lips the tiniest bit. Krissy’s middle finger stole inside just enough to run along the sharp ridges of Becca’s bottom teeth.

Becca captured the tip of that finger softly between her teeth and then circled it with her tongue, wishing it was one of Krissy’s nipples or—even better—her clit. She was desperate now to…


With a groan of frustration, she pulled herself away, Krissy’s finger gone from her mouth.

Rolling onto her back, she covered her face with her hands, trying to ignore how aroused she was, how swollen her clit was.

“Aargh!” she all but screamed.

She heard Krissy huff.

“What is wrong?” Krissy asked, an edge to her voice.

Lowering her hands, Becca glared at her.

“I am not going to be one of your conquests, Krissy!”

Chapter 16

Krissy felt as if she had been slapped.

Now, she rolled onto her back, squeezing her eyes shut, feeling the sting of tears behind the lids.

She took five slow and deep breaths, feeling her chest with its rock-hard nipples rising and falling with each one.

Okay…okay…it’s possible I deserved that.

She did have a reputation, after all—one which she had a hand in creating. Over the years, she had made no secret of the fact that she enjoyed being single and sampling from the practically endless buffet of gorgeous gay women here in Southern California. Moreover, she had made no secret of the fact that she had no intention of settling down anytime soon. What’s more, whereas her various friends—including Becca—had introduced Krissy to numerous women they had dated over the years, Krissy had—at most—introduced her friends to numerous flavors of the month. In fact, her friends had probably never encountered the same woman twice on Krissy’s arm.

She took another deep breath.

Little wonder, then, that Becca—perhaps the smartest and most sensible woman Krissy knew—might be suspicious of what had just happened a few moments ago.

Breathe…breathe…You can save this.

When she opened her eyes, a single tear escaped. Fortunately, it was on the side of her face farthest from Becca and so if Becca was watching her, perhaps she hadn’t seen it. She quickly wiped it away.

“Becca,” she began, “you are not a conquest. I would never do that to you.”

Next to her, she heard Becca sniff and it broke her heart. Nonetheless, when Becca spoke, her voice was strong.

“I know you must have somehow figured out that I’ve developed a stupid schoolgirl crush on you,” Becca said.

Krissy blinked. Did she hear correctly?