In the bedroom, she spotted Krissy’s overnight bag on the bed at the same moment her nostrils detected the smell of coffee.

“Don’t worry, I used the decaf,” Krissy said when Becca entered her kitchen to find her best friend slicing into an apple pie Becca had baked this morning.

“What’s the matter?” Becca asked. “Don’t want to stay up all night?”

“Not if we’re just going to watch TV,” Krissy replied with a chuckle.


It was exactly comments like that which Becca found frustrating because all they did was put ideas in her head which did not belong there.

She watched while Krissy doled out two small slices of the pie onto two plates.

Unfortunately, Krissy had changed out of that swoon-inducing dress from earlier. She was now dressed quite comfortably in a pair of pj shorts which Becca knew were one of her favorites and a burgundy fitted tee. Seeing her like this in her kitchen, in nightclothes, barefoot, preparing them a late-night snack of coffee and pie, Becca almost wanted to cry because it just seemed so perfect.

How had she let this happen to her? Krissy—as nutty and ridiculous as she could sometimes be—was the most significant friendship Becca had ever had and one of the few people she refused to imagine her life without. Yet, how was she supposed to continue wanting to spend time with Krissy when just the anticipation of seeing her made her heart yearn and her center tremble? She just couldn’t go on like this…

Oddly, she thought of Ariel, rather than Fiona, just now. The redhead from the beach had not only shared their selfie together on Instagram but had then DM-ed Becca. Of course, nowadays, countless women from all over the world were DM-ing her on all of her social media accounts. But at least Becca had met Ariel, who seemed really, really nice, and who, after a few messages had been exchanged, Becca learned had just moved to Carlsbad after living in L.A.

So, to recap…

Nice woman? Check.

Nearby woman? Check.

Super sexy woman? Check.

Conclusion? Ariel was another perfect woman to get her mind off Krissy. In fact, Carlsbad alone was full of available gay women who could help her with her Krissy-detox.

That being said, though, Becca was never one to play the field. Life was stressful enough without juggling two or more women. Nonetheless, there were no guarantees that she and Fiona would last beyond a few more dates.

With that in mind, Becca resolved to continue DM-ing Ariel on Instagram. As long as she was careful not to lead Ariel on, Becca figured there would be no harm in it; at least until she figured out if she and Fiona would become a thing. After all, during a life spent in the military and in the fire services, Becca had learned one very important lesson: Always have a backup plan.

In the meantime, Krissy had the coffee poured and the pie dished out. Time to just enjoy spending the night with her bestie.


In bed, a couple of hours later, with the lights still on, Becca asked, “Are you sure that was decaf?”

They were lying under the blankets, facing each other. The platonic gap between them was smaller this time, Becca noticed.

Krissy laughed.

“I know,” she said, “I feel wired too.”

“Then why are we in bed?”

“Because you said, and I quote, ‘It’s almost one a.m.; we should get to bed.’”

“And since when do you ever have a problem contradicting me?” Becca asked, cocking an eyebrow.

Krissy shrugged.

“I don’t,” she began, smirking, “but when a gorgeous woman tells me to come to bed, why would I contradict her?”

Becca started laughing, more so to hide the fact that her clit had just throbbed.

“Do you want us to get back out of bed?” Krissy asked softly.