Krissy cocked an eyebrow.

“Firefighter and fashion consultant,” she said.

“You forgot baker,” Becca mentioned.

“Oh, that’s right!” Krissy said. “Which reminds me…” She scootched a little closer to Becca. “We still have pie to eat at my place.”

Now it was Becca who cocked an eyebrow.

“There’s a lesbian joke in there somewhere,” she


Krissy nodded.

“You just have to find it,” she told Becca, a bit of a purr to her voice.

Becca’s lips parted and one thought ran through Krissy’s mind on an endless loop.

Give me a chance. Give me a chance. Give me a chance…

“Excuse me?”

Krissy blinked.

That was a new voice. The spell broken, she and Becca looked up and saw a group of four women standing at the foot of their blankets.

“I’m so sorry to bother you, but you’re her, aren’t you?” one of the women, with a Ruby Rose haircut asked, looking at Becca. “The firefighter?”

Alarmingly, Krissy noticed how Becca surveyed the group of women with something less than the annoyance she had been feeling about all the recent Lesbian Wonder Woman attention.

A lot less. And no wonder…

To a one, the four women who had interrupted them were typical SoCal femme lesbians: fit, toned and showing it all off. In other words, just like herself and Becca—a fact which didn’t lessen Krissy’s desire to slay them all.

One in particular, was beyond gorgeous, and Krissy, despite her annoyance, couldn’t help but keep her eyes on her, drinking her in.

The woman was a redhead, maybe thirty, tall and lithe with round breasts that strained the fabric of the bikini top she was wearing. And she was truly beyond pretty—intimidatingly so. In fact, it was as if she was another—

Holy shit!

Krissy finally realized what she had found.

It’s the Redheaded Vanessa!

She even kind of looked like Vanessa! Krissy supposed that was because when some truly blessed women reach a certain level of gorgeousness, they all start to look the same.

Ever since she and Becca’s friend Ainsley—known as the Blonde Vanessa—had moved to Carlsbad, the town’s lesbians had been on the lookout for a Redheaded Vanessa, to complete the set. Krissy had now found her! She needed to post about this on Twitter!

But that could wait…

Becca was now propped up on both elbows, her chest raised and on display, the four women not even attempting to hide their ogling, particularly the Redheaded Vanessa.

“I am the firefighter,” Becca said, smiling.


Twenty-four hours ago, Krissy remembered, all Becca wanted to do was go live in a cave until all this notoriety faded away. Now, she was smiling?