But then…

Biting her bottom lip, she stared at her text message, hesitating in sending it.

Her brow furrowed.

She knew what was making her hesitate, but knowing didn’t make it any less annoying. Why shouldn’t she send the text to Maya? She was single and completely unattached. And she enjoyed the things she did with Maya. What’s more, she enjoyed their arrangement. It was the very definition of no-strings-attached fun between two—and now sometimes three—consenting adults. Why shouldn’t she let Maya know that she, too, was looking forward to the next time Maya came to town?

Why should the fact that she was lying on Becca’s couch make a difference?

Almost out of defiance to herself, Krissy sent the text.

She had a life to live, after all. If certain…things had no chance of happening, then what was the point in not continuing to enjoy her particular brand of fun?

“Which of your many ladies are you chatting with now?” Becca asked, suddenly appearing standing over her, startling Krissy.

Annoyance bloomed briefly in Krissy but she swallowed it.

“Just because I’m texting a woman does not mean she’s anything more than…a woman,” she said, hearing that her voice had a bit of an edge to it. “I have other female friends, you know.”

Why am I lying to her?

“Alright, alright,” Becca said. “Sorry.” Lifting Krissy’s legs, she sat down on the sofa also, lowering Krissy feet onto her lap. Then, much to Krissy’s delight and pleasure she began massaging Krissy’s right foot, her fingers pressing and rubbing circles over the pink no-show socks Krissy was wearing.

Holy Jesus…!

Krissy couldn’t help her eyes from closing and her mouth from lolling open. It felt so good! She nestled her head even deeper into the throw cushion it was resting on, surrendering to how relaxing this was.

“Sorry if my feet stink,” she murmured.

Becca laughed.

“They don’t,” she replied. “No worse than usual, anyway.”

With her eyes still closed, Krissy grinned.

“Shut up,” she said.

She was getting wet, she realized. And not a little wet. A lot. Her clit was swelling and fluttering. She could feel her passage filling…

She and Becca did this all the time. Foot massages, back and shoulder rubs. They were two athletic women who liked to keep in shape. They played volleyball almost weekly, when schedules al

lowed; they went for ten mile runs together; they were even members of the same gym and often went to work out together. The result was that one or both of them was always sore or feeling like her muscles were a little tighter than normal. And if they happened to be together like they were now, it wasn’t unusual for massages to happen.

And every single time Becca massaged her, Krissy got excited.

Sometimes, she tried to fight it; after all, it was wildly inappropriate. She and Becca were just friends and would always be just friends. Moreover, she knew that every time Becca massaged any part of her body that there was never any sexual intent behind it, and so it always felt a little…devious to Krissy to have her body react in such a sexual manner.

But, goddamn…

This felt so good today. Becca had unknowingly flipped that switch inside of Krissy and Krissy was once again getting turned on.

She decided she wasn’t going to fight it, that she was just going to enjoy it because, after all, what was there not to enjoy? The build-up was always one of the best parts of sex, Krissy believed. The warming of her vagina, the swelling, the lubrication, the tingling, the fluttering…

Of course, in this case, sex wasn’t an option.

Oh well.

She’d masturbate later if she needed to.