“OMG, you’re Lesbian Wonder Woman!” a girlish voice squealed behind her.

Becca turned. Two teenage girls, holding hands, were staring up at her, wide-eyed, absolute adoration on their faces.

“What?” Becca asked.

“Lesbian Wonder Woman,” the shorter of the two girls said. “That’s what they’re calling you on Twitter now!”

“Oh, for Pete’s sake!” Becca said, genuinely irritated now.

“Can we get a picture with you?” the taller girl asked.

Becca sighed.

No need to be a bitch about it…

“Of course,” she said, with what she hoped was her best Wonder Woman smile. Naturally, being the taller of them—by a lot—Becca was the one who held the girl’s cellphone aloft at the end of her outstretched arm.

“Are you married?” the shorter one asked.

“I am,” Becca replied, “but she’s in the restroom. Listen, take my place in line, girls. I need to step out and make a phone call.”

Becca then hurried out of the coffeeshop.

“There you are!” Krissy said a few minutes later, coming outside to join her. “They’re calling you Lesbian Wonder Woman now on Twitter!”

“How did you…?” Becca began. “Weren’t you peeing?”

“Yeah, but, hello! Woman. Sitting. Nothing to do! Of course I’m on my phone! Where are our coffees?”

“I haven’t gotten them yet,” Becca said.

“What? But I’m dying for coffee!”

“I’ll make you coffee at my place!” Becca told her, already walking towards the parking lot.

“You suck at making coffee!” Krissy exclaimed, catching up to her.

“Just come on…I’ll explain later! And if anyone asks between here and the car, we’re married.”


“I’ll explain that later too.”

Chapter 6

The press was still camped outside Becca’s house when they returned and so Becca asked Krissy to park around the corner from the house, out of sight of them, and then they both walked through the alley and entered Becca’s property through the back gate.

“You may as well talk to them,” Krissy said, meaning the press. “Then they’ll go away.”

Becca, unlocking her backdoor said, “I can’t.”

When the door was unlocked they entered the house and were in Becca’s kitchen.

“Why not?” Krissy asked, and then added, “Don’t go anywhere near that coffeemaker! I’ll do it!”

Krissy approached the machine, made sure the filter was clean and then opened the cabinet where she knew Becca kept the coffee.
