Krissy couldn’t believe it. What should have been an easy point had been lost, stolen away by Vanessa.

Amber’s volley was easy enough to handle by Wendy, who passed it to Krissy who then set it nicely for Ainsley. Ainsley went for the kill but her shot was blocked at the net by the trio of Anya, Gina and Beth—basically a Great Wall of Lesbians. The ball bounced off of them and fell to the sand at Krissy’s feet.

The match was over.

During the post-match congratulations, Krissy said to Vanessa, “I’m taking back our wedding present!”

Vanessa laughed.

“I told you,” she began, “no one has to bring presents! Just coming all the way to Tahiti is gift enough.”

Vanessa and Megan were getting married in two weeks. Krissy was beyond excited. The thought of she and Becca together in what was basically paradise on Earth had made it more and more difficult for Krissy to concentrate on work or anything else the closer the day approached.

The resort that Vanessa and Megan had chosen looked spectacular and Becca and Krissy had splurged on their accommodations. Instead of just a regular room, they would have a bungalow which was out over the water and which also included butler service and their own infinity pool.

Thank god my period will be over.

Because Krissy planned on she and Becca having an outrageous amount of sex during their vacation. They had even bought some new toys to bring along with them.

On their way to the locker room, Becca draped her arm around Krissy’s shoulders.

“What’s next for today?” she asked.

“I told you,” Krissy began, “dress shopping.”

Becca laughed.

“I actually thought you were kidding,” she said. “You have a closet full of dresses at home!”

“I want Tahiti dresses, though,” Krissy said. “And don’t pretend like you don’t want to use this perfect excuse to do more shopping.”

“Whatever,” Becca said, laughing.

Krissy smiled.

“I will take that as agreement to my plan, then.” She spotted Rachel walking ahead of them. “Hey, Rach, wait up,” she called. “I need to ask you something.”


That evening, home from shopping, Krissy curled up next to Becca on the couch. She had just showered and taken some more Midol, hoping the pills would take effect before bedtime.

In the meantime, being enveloped in Becca’s arms was providing some comfort. It was also nice knowing that tomorrow Becca wouldn’t be disappearing for twenty-four hours. Since becoming the deputy chief of the Carlsbad Fire Department, Becca’s schedule had become more normal—more like a 9-to-5 kind of job. Sure, there were things which kept Becca from coming home at a decent hour in her new role: fundraisers, city council meetings, meetings with the mayor and Chief Comstock, things like that. Becca also responded to fires as well, though not as many as before. Remaining an active firefighter was not only important to Becca, it meant that she could be even more effective in her role as deputy chief, and Krissy admired her girlfriend for how well she had taken to her new job.

But as far as Krissy knew, there was nothing extra on Becca’s schedule tomorrow and so Krissy could look forward to having her come home early in the evening.

“I’m sorry I’m out of commission,” Krissy said. She said this every month when her period hit. She always felt like she needed to apologize because her being on her period was quite the contrast from when Becca’s period came. Becca got super horny then and there was no interruption to their sex life.

Becca kissed her.

“Do you still love me?” she asked.

“So very much,” Krissy said. “But I love you slightly less today than last Thursday, when you made that coconut cream pie.”

Becca burst out laughing.

“So, baking pies always earns me more love?”

“Duh,” Krissy said. She then kissed Becca’s cheek. “You know I’m only kidding, though, right?” she added. “Each day I love you more than the day before, pie or no pie.” This was true. She still couldn’t believe that she was this lucky.