“God,” she said, laughing, “you fucking gave me a heart attack, though, making me think my Jeep was stolen.”

“Well,” Krissy began, “you know lesbians. Eventually, our friends are all going to ask how we decided to move in together. I wanted our story to be unique!”

Becca laughed.

“You are just too much,” she said. “Well, this was certainly a unique way of doing it.”

“I already put the spare garage door remote in your stolen Jeep,” Krissy said.

“Such a courteous thief,” Becca said.

Krissy smiled.

“I just really love you to death, Becca. I’m so happy we’re starting a life together.”

Becca felt her eyes welling up. This woman in her arms was the most amazing creature on this planet.

“I love you to death, too, Krissy. I’ve never looked forward to the rest of my life as much I do now.”

Then, they were kissing again, in the garage of their home.


Four months later

Krissy stomped over to Becca, who was about to serve the volleyball.

“Do. Not. Hit. It. Towards. Amber!” she said to her girlfriend.

Becca rolled her eyes—a little dramatically, Krissy thought; as if Becca wanted her to know how silly she was being.

“Gee, thanks, coach,” Becca said snidely. “Any other pearls of wisdom you have? Like, telling me to be sure to hit the ball over the net?”

“Bite me!” Krissy seethed.

She hated losing, and her team was doing just that, but not by much, though that was primarily thanks to Rachel, who had made spectacular play after spectacular play to keep their side in the game. Krissy, on the other hand, had been playing lousy all day. She guessed it was because she hadn’t gotten laid. Her period had started three days ago and was making her feel as if someone had placed an ancient Chinese curse on her. Her periods were usually pretty awful, but this one seemed determined to claim the title of Worst Period Ever. She had considered skipping volleyball today but sometimes physical activity helped her symptoms, which today’s playing certainly had done. Unfortunately, her sex drive was still non-existent, as it had been since Thursday, when this latest proof that she wasn’t pregnant started.

That reminds me…talk to Rachel.

Rachel, Krissy knew, was on birth control—an artifact from the days when Rachel dated men. When Krissy had asked why she still had the implant, Rachel had told her it

was because it had made her periods go away. Krissy was now ready for such sorcery in her body.

Becca was getting ready to serve the ball.

On the other side of the net, Amber and Vanessa were waiting, along with the rest of the women on their team. But the rest of the women didn’t matter in Krissy’s opinion. It was Amber who had been killing Krissy’s team all set, ably assisted by Vanessa, who, despite having been playing volleyball for the past couple of hours, still looked like a cover girl.

How the fuck does she do that?

Losing was bad enough, Krissy considered. Losing to a team with a woman who never looked like shit, was…Aargh!

Becca served a cannon shot that was aimed at a zone away from Amber. Anya moved quickly to dig it out but the ball must have struck her arms at an odd angle because it ricocheted off high, heading out of bounds on Krissy’s team’s side of the net. Once it fell to earth, the teams would be tied.

But Vanessa was streaking after the ball, racing after it out of bounds, past the net line, keeping her head upturned, watching its trajectory.

Oh no! This isn’t happening!

Vanessa managed to intercept the ball just before it touched down, smacking it backwards with enough force that it sailed back over to her team’s side of the net where Amber was able to volley it to Krissy’s team.