“Denver omelets,” Becca answered. “Shall we have toast as well?”

“I demand toast as well,” Krissy said. “I’ll get the bread.”

“Excellent. I’ll start cracking eggs.”

It was while Becca was crossing the kitchen to get a mixing bowl that she happened to turn her head to glance out of the kitchen, through the living room and then out one of the picture windows at the front of Krissy’s house. It looked like it was going to be another beautiful day, if a little

cloudy. Who knows? Maybe instead of just being lumps on the sofa all day, they could take a walk on the beach later.

She was about to open the cabinet which contained the mixing bowls when suddenly she stopped, a frown forming on her face.

Wait a minute…

Taking a couple of steps backwards, she again looked through the house and out the window.

Across the street from Krissy’s house, two children were on their knees, drawing with sidewalk chalk in the driveway of the house opposite. A Black man, presumably their father, was nearby, mowing the lawn. It was an ordinary, everyday kind of tableau. There was one problem, however. Becca shouldn’t have been able to see it. Her Jeep should have been blocking her view of the family.

Except, her Jeep wasn’t there.

Her heart racing, Becca hurried out of the kitchen and into the living room.

Maybe I parked it closer to Krissy’s driveway…

But standing at the window now, able to see the entirety of the street in front of Krissy’s house, her Jeep was nowhere in sight.

Oh no!

“Where the fuck is my Jeep?” she exclaimed, a feeling of dread overtaking her system, making her feel a little weak-kneed.

“What’s wrong?” Krissy asked, approaching from the kitchen.

“My Jeep…I think it was stolen last night!” Becca said, facing her.

Krissy looked past her and out the window.

“Weird,” she said.

Becca blinked.

“Weird?” she repeated. “Weird? Krissy, my Jeep is gone!”

“Well, are you sure it was stolen?” Krissy asked.

Becca started sputtering.

Is she for real?

“Am I sure…?” Becca began when she was able to finally speak. “Unless I purchased the fucking invisibility option and accidentally pressed the wrong button on my remote last night, yes, I’m sure it was stolen!”

Krissy nodded.

“Well, my mother always used to tell me that if you lose something, it’s usually in the last place you’d think to look,” she said.

Becca glared at her, starting to get angry.

“So, I should look on the planet Neptune, then, right?” she asked. “Because that is the last place I would expect to find my Jeep!”

“No need to be snippy,” Krissy admonished. “I’m just ascertaining if you’ve actually looked for it, is all.”