Fair enough.

Becca was right. Becca only talked about the women she dated; girlfriends or could-be-girlfriends.

“So what happened?” she asked.

Becca shrugged.

“We had sex a few nights but—”

“A few?” Krissy interrupted. “A moment ago you said ‘a couple.’”

Becca shrugged again.

“A couple, a few,” she said nonchalantly. “Six, seven…what difference does it make?”

Krissy sputtered.

“A lot!”

Again, that look.

“I’ll do you a deal,” Becca said, cocking an eyebrow, “you stop stressing about how many times Amy and I had sex, and I won’t ask what you and Sienna used to get up to.”

Krissy opened her mouth to fire off a quick retort, but quickly shut it again.

Fair enough.

Becca did not want to know what she and Sienna had gotten up to.

“Deal,” she muttered. “So, what happened?”

“Amy and I just realized it wasn’t going anywhere. She’s super wonderful, she really is, but the chemistry wasn’t there—at least out of the bedroom. So we parted as friends. I’m really happy she ended up finding someone she is truly in love with.”

Krissy settled herself back down to cuddle with Becca again. She couldn’t help but feel a little threatened still. Amy was really, really cute. But she knew it would pass.

“Small world,” she said.

“Mm,” Becca hummed in agreement. “Even smaller lesbian world.”

Chapter 33

The next morning, Becca’s consciousness swam up from the depths of a deep sleep. She was lying on her stomach, her face nestled in one of Krissy’s pillows. With her eyes still closed, she reached out with her arm to find Krissy, but all she encountered was empty mattress. Nothing odd there; in a California King bed, it could feel like Krissy was in another ZIP code if they somehow ended up apart during the night. But when she fluttered her eyes open, she saw that the rest of the bed was, in fact, unoccupied.

She indulged in being lazy for a few more minutes, a tiny smile appearing on her face as she remembered last night. Krissy had really taken care of her. Whatever it was that Chloë had put in that punch had turned Krissy into an insatiable creature whose only purpose in life was to please Becca. Over the course of at least a couple of hours, Becca had been insanely pampered by Krissy’s mouth, tongue, fingers and Magic Wand.

And then, after their conversation about Sienna and Amy, Krissy had begun ravishing Becca again, pulling even more pleasure out of her. So much so, that when Becca’s last orgasm hit, shattering her, she felt herself drifting off into sleep immediately afterwards, absolutely helpless to prevent it.

Finally deciding to get out of bed, Becca—still nude from her playtime with Krissy last night—freshened up in the bathroom and then changed into a comfortable outfit of pj shorts and a tee. She didn’t know what she and Krissy would get up to today, but she didn’t mind if it turned into a day of vegging out on the sofa while watching movies. At least then she wouldn’t have to change out of what she was wearing now.

“Hey, sleepyhead,” Krissy greeted. She was sitting at her dining table, having coffee and reading something on her iPad.

“Good morning,” Becca said, approaching her girlfriend and bending down to give her a kiss. “Have you eaten?”

“Nope,” Krissy said. “Was waiting for you, baby. Thought maybe we’d make something together.”

“Sounds fun,” Becca replied, heading into the kitchen. Once there, she poured herself a mug of coffee and then opened Krissy’s refrigerator. After surveying the contents, she determined there were the ingredients for a Denver omelet and so she pulled those out, placing them on the counter.

“What are we having?” Krissy said, coming up behind her and wrapping her arms around Becca’s midsection.