Becca patiently let her indulge, and while Krissy indulged, Becca moaned at times and gasped at others. She shivered with delight, her flesh getting all goose-pimply, and she tangled her fingers in Krissy’s hair.

When they ended up in the bedroom and Krissy finally penetrated her girlfriend with her tongue, she discovered that Becca was pure liquid inside.

The orgasms came quickly and once again, Krissy could tell they were stacked up, waiting. Becca’s pussy had a way of communicating that to Krissy, of telling her it wasn’t done bursting with pleasure. So, even after the first one hit Becca, Krissy continued making love to Becca with her mouth until Becca screamed with the second one and eventually screamed even louder with the third one.

Krissy watched Becca’s pussy quake and convulse after that third one. Was there a more erotic sight than watching a woman’s sex react to an orgasm, she wondered. By then, Becca’s vulva was a deep pink color, swollen, shiny and dripping.

And somehow, it was telling Krissy that it still wasn’t done bursting with pleasure. So, Krissy gladly went back to work.

After all, Krissy Kincaid does not leave women unsatisfied.


Afterwards, sated, a little sweaty but still cuddling each other, Becca asked, “So, did you and Sienna have a thing?”

Krissy sighed. She had hoped she and Sienna had gotten away with it tonight.

“Yes,” she admitted. “But it was never anything serious!”

Krissy rolled her eyes at her own statement. What an unneeded codicil. Of course Becca wouldn’t think it had been anything serious. Up until now, Krissy had been the Queen of Never Anything Serious.

She went on…

“How was I supposed to know Sienna was part of the Royal Court?” she asked, a little defensively. In retrospect, however, she probably could have guessed it. After all, she knew that:

A: Sienna and Chloë were really good friends.

B: Actually, friends weren’t all they had been. Sienna and Chloë had been friends with benefits until Chloë hooked up with Morgan.

C: Chloë was good friends and business partners with Vanessa.

D: Ergo, ipso facto, it made sense that Sienna would be tight with the “in” lesbians of Carlsbad.

Becca stroked her arm.

“Relax, sweetie,” she said. “It’s no big deal. We both have exes floating around this vicinity.” Krissy heard her take a deep breath. “In fact, if we’re going to be hanging out with this crowd more, you should probably know that me and Amy have had sex.”

Krissy rose up on her elbow.


Becca nodded.

“It was pre-pandemic,” she said. “Don’t you remember me telling you that there was this girl in town who wrote a blog about lesbians and how she wanted to do a blog entry about lesbian firefighters?”

It took a moment, but Krissy did remember.

“So, that’s when…?” she asked.

“Yep,” Becca said. “It was only a couple of times.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

Becca gave her that look. It was the look her best friend always gave her whenever she thought Krissy was being silly.

“Krissy, I adore you, but you know that I don’t go around talking about my sexual conquests the way you do, especially if they don’t lead to anything.”

Krissy opened her mouth, prepared to defend herself, but quickly shut it again.