Vanessa then looped her arm through Krissy’s, and Krissy thought she could die.

“We’ve got food out on the deck,” she said, leading her and Becca toward two glass doors. “We’ve also got any kind of alcohol you could want, so help yourself.”

The deck was massive and protruded out over the beach. It was also where the party obviously was.

“I think you two know everyone, right?” Vanessa asked.

That wasn’t exactly true. Turns out, the Carlsbad Royal Lesbian Court had quite a few members, and though Krissy had seen plenty of them around town, especially at La Vida Mocha, she had never actually met some of them. Ainsley and Rachel she knew, of course; and she and Becca also kn

ew Chloë, still rocking her super-cute platinum pixie hairdo. Amber was here as well. But several introductions still needed to be made. First of all, there was Morgan, who was Chloë’s fiancée. And then none other than Jillian Ashley—Krissy’s favorite lesfic author! Tall and gorgeous, Jillian—whose real name turned out to be Sally—was there with her fiancée, Amy, who was something of a local celebrity also, due to her lesbian-themed podcast being very popular. Krissy had noticed Amy plenty of times at La Vida Mocha without ever talking to her. Becca, however, apparently had met her because the two of them greeted each other like old friends.

Turns out Becca had been right. If Krissy had worn that dress, she would have been out of place. Although all of the women present looked super cute, skinny jeans, tees or tanks, and flip-flops or sneakers were what the Court was wearing.

“My cousin was also supposed to be here,” Vanessa said, after the introductions had all been made. “But she just texted to say she couldn’t make it. Which means she’ll miss the big announcement.”

“What announcement?” Becca asked.

“You’ll find out…” Vanessa said teasingly.

Someone else stepped out onto the deck from inside the house just then.

“Oh my god! Hi!”

Oh shit!

Krissy recognized the voice. Turning around, there was Sienna (Tattoo Artist)!

She’s a member of the Court? Fuck my life!

Nonetheless, Krissy couldn’t help a little flutter of excitement at seeing Sienna. Even though she was firmly committed to Becca now, the fun that her and Sienna had gotten up to in the past was…memorable. Not only that, Sienna was a looker. Blonde and very pretty, she was a tiny thing who was nonetheless curvy where it counted.

“Hi!” she exclaimed, embracing Sienna. She then pulled Becca over and held her tight against herself. “This is Becca,” Krissy said. “My girlfriend.”

She gave Sienna a meaningful look.

Sienna telegraphed with her eyes that she understood.

“So nice to meet you,” she said to Becca. “I haven’t seen Krissy in so long; it’s nice to finally catch up with her.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” Becca said. “How do you two know each other?”


Krissy didn’t know how to answer that. Fuck buddies just didn’t seem appropriate at this particular moment.

Fortunately, Sienna came to the rescue.

“Krissy knows one of my ex-girlfriends,” Sienna stated, offering no other details, no embellishments…nothing. Like all of the best lies, it was the simplicity of it which made it sound natural and believable.


The call came from Ainsley, who was gesturing for Becca to come over. When she had gone, Krissy leaned in to Sienna and whispered, “Thank you!”

“Are you kidding?” Sienna began. “I’m so happy for you! She’s fucking gorgeous!”

Krissy beamed.

“It gets better,” she said. “She’s a firefighter.”