Becca swept her hands over her outfit: skinny jeans and a cute peasant top.

“Oh,” Krissy said. “I was expecting us to be going back to your place so you could change.”

Becca laughed.

“I love you, but I am so not going to change. This is what I’m wearing and this is pretty much what everyone else at the party will be wearing too, I guarantee it. Think about what Vanessa wears at La Vida Mocha on the daily.”

Again, Krissy knew Becca was right. Her girlfriend’s outfit was exactly what was needed: Simple, but more importantly, chill.


Krissy began removing the dress.


“Oh my god, this house!” Krissy whispered to Becca half an hour later, standing in front of a massive and ornate door, waiting for it to open in response to the doorbell. Was this the back door, Krissy wondered? Or was whatever door that was on the beachside of the house considered the back door, making this the front door?

It totally made sense that the Vanessa would live in a beachside manor. Vanessa owned two coffeeshops and from what Krissy knew, her fiancée, Megan, was some bigshot IT executive. Where else would the town’s royal lesbian court be?

The door opened to reveal a beautiful, auburn-haired woman smiling widely at them.

“Hiiiiii!” the woman greeted them enthusiastically. She came forward and embraced Krissy first.

Even though Krissy had seen this woman many times at La Vida Mocha, and at the art gallery attached to the coffeeshop, she had never actually met her. This was Megan, who was practically legendary in her own right; after all, she was the woman who had snared the mighty Vanessa.

“I’m Megan,” Megan introduced herself.

“Krissy. So nice to meet you.”

“Our hair is the same color!” Megan exclaimed.

“It is!” Krissy replied, loving that they had that in common.

“And I know who you are!” Megan said, turning her attention to Becca and also embracing her hello. “You’re famous.”

Krissy loved how deeply her girlfriend blushed.

“Only for another minute or two,” Becca said modestly. “Anyway, I’m Becca; nice to meet you. And this is for you.”

Becca handed over the small fiddle leaf potted plant they had brought as a present. Krissy, having been stumped over what to bring, had finally texted Chloë, who used to work at La Vida Mocha, asking for ideas. Chloë had given Krissy the intel that Vanessa’s fiancée, Megan, loved houseplants and that Vanessa would think it amazing if they brought something which would make Megan happy.

“No way!” Megan said. “You brought us a houseplant? I love plants! Everybody else just brought alcohol; this is way cooler!”

Krissy was ecstatic.

Megan escorted them inside the house. Krissy’s breath was taken away by the view offered by the enormous floor-to-ceiling windows once they reached the living room. The beach and the Pacific—both lit by the full moon in the western sky—were there on display and it was such a gorgeous, picture-postcard sight that Krissy immediately began trying to figure out what in her investment portfolio she could sell so she could buy her own beach house.

Vanessa greeted them next.

“Great job with the plant, thanks,” Vanessa said, when Megan showed it to her. She spread her arms, indicating the entirety of the room. “As you can see, we have a lot of plant babies.”

She indicated Megan.

“This one is going to spend the next week figuring out the perfect place to put it.”

Megan nudged Vanessa playfully.

“Hey, it’s a very important decision!”