Now, Krissy laughed.

“Oh my god, I love it! Hey, I have an idea. Let’s go away somewhere this weekend. Like, Catalina or Santa Barbara.”

“We can’t,” Becca stated.

“Why not?”

“Four words,” Becca began. “Carlsbad. Royal. Lesbian. Court.”

“Oh fuck, you’re right!” Krissy exclaimed excitedly.

“The Queen herself has invited us. If we don’t show up…”

“We may as well move to Oceanside,” Krissy finished.

“Exactly,” Becca agreed. “And as you know, there is no Oceanside Royal Lesbian Court.”

“I’m actually super excited,” Krissy said.

“I know you are. I’m surprised you haven’t done a TikTok about it yet.”

“Shut up,” Krissy said. “Too bad we can’t show up with the Redheaded Vanessa. We would be legendary!”

Becca laughed.

“I thought you despised her,” she said.

“I don’t despise her,” Krissy replied. “I’m sure she’s sweet and all those other good things you’ve said about her. Besides, if she was at the Court party she would see that you are definitely off-limits.”

“Well, too bad we can’t bring her along,” Becca said. “Minstrels would write songs about us and Vanessa might actually make us duchesses in her queendom.” An idea came to her. “Speaking of showing up with presents,” she began, “what should we bring? Should I bake a pie?”

“Babe, I love you and your pies, but we’re not going to a PTA meeting in the 1950s.”

“Bite me,” Becca retorted.

“I already did tonight; several times,” Krissy shot back. “No, we need something more creative than a pie.”

“Well, everybody else is probably going to bring a bottle of something, so we need to be more creative than that also.”

“Good point,” Krissy said.

“You’re a clever woman, you’ll think of something,” Becca said, perfectly content to let her girlfriend puzzle out the perfect gift to bring.

“Another good point,” Krissy said. “I am indeed very clever.”

“But if you can’t come up with a good idea,” Becca continued, “every woman appreciates some good pie.” The last part of that statement was almost lost in a huge yawn.

“There’s a lesbian joke in there somewhere,” Krissy said, snuggling even closer.

“We’ll find it tomorrow,” Becca said. “Right now, I’m about to pass out.” She kissed the top of Krissy’s head. “I love you so much, Krissy. Good night.”

“I love you too, Becca; so much. Sweet dreams.”

Chapter 32

“No, you’re wrong!” Becca insisted.

“I am so not wrong!” Krissy replied, from inside her walk-in closet.