She went on. After a stint in the Army, where she was a helicopter pilot, she trained as a firefighter in Carlsbad and was now a Battalion Chief.

Rachel blinked. This was the most she’d ever gotten to talk to Becca yet and she’d had no idea!

“Battalion Chief?” she asked. “Wait…how old are you?”

“Thirty-four,” Becca answered.

“You look like you’re twenty-five!” Rachel exclaimed. Really, Becca had very youthful features that were misleading.

“Why, thank you!” Becca chuckled. “I can’t imagine why, though. My job isn’t exactly stress-free.”

“So, have you carried out any unconscious victims yet?”

“She’s, like, a hero!” Krissy supplied. Rachel again shared another amused look with Becca in the rearview mirror, this time at Krissy’s apparent inability to ever not talk.

“Tell her how many citations for bravery you’ve gotten,” Krissy prodded Becca.

Rachel thought it was adorable how much Becca blushed.

“I’ve gotten a few,” Becca answered modestly.

Krissy looked at Rachel.

“Seven. She’s gotten seven.”

“Wow!” Rachel said, really impressed. Then to Krissy, she added, “Do you want me to start dating Becca now?”

“Only if things with you and Ainsley don’t work out,” Krissy replied.

Rachel leaned forward, placing one arm on the back of Becca’s seat and the other on Krissy’s.

“Do you like Greek food, Becs?” she asked.

“Love it, Rach,” Becca answered.

Rachel turned to Krissy.

“Happy? I’ve got a date with Becca in case Ainsley and I don’t work out.”

“But you totally will,” Krissy assured her.


Ainsley was already at the volleyball club when Rachel arrived with Becca and Krissy.

After pulling Ainsley away for a quiet kiss away from their friends, Rachel stared at her girlfriend.

“You never told me Krissy is insane,” she whispered.

Ainsley laughed.

“She’s a handful,” she whispered back. “But harmless.”

Rachel pulled Ainsley tighter against her.

“How did it go at the hospital?” she asked.

“Fine,” Ainsley said. “But I need to get to bed early tonight. I have a pretty complicated procedure to perform tomorrow and I need to be there by six a.m.”