The driver was making no attempt to avoid running her over!

With a bit of a scream, Rachel leaped onto the hood of her Tesla a mere second before the white car sped past her, coming so close that she felt a strong whoosh of displaced air.

Rachel tumbled off the hood of her car onto the sidewalk on the other side. She landed in a tangle of her own limbs and she felt one of her knees scrape painfully against the concrete.

“Oh my god, Miss…are you alright?” the gentleman who had been washing his car said, hurrying over and kneeling beside her.

Rachel blinked.

“I…I think so,” she murmured.

“Stay where you are,” the man said. “Don’t move just yet. Make sure you’re okay first.”

Rachel nodded. She did a self-diagnostic. Other than her knee and the heels of her hands—also scraped as she broke her fall—she didn’t feel anything else wrong with her. And from what she could see, there were no bones poking through her skin.

“Do you want to try to stand?” the man asked.

Again she nodded and allowed her new friend to help her to her feet. That’s when she noticed one of her high heels had fallen off. The man must have noticed too.

“I see it,” he said, stepping away after making sure Rachel could, in fact, support her own weight. He returned with the shoe a moment later and Rachel slipped it on, thanking him.

“What the hell?” she then asked.

The man was looking down the street, in the direction the white car had driven off.

“I don’t know,” he said. “But I saw the whole thing.” He turned back to her. “Fucker made no attempt to avoid you. Excuse my language.”

Rachel gave a dry laugh.

“No worries,” she said.

“I didn’t get the plate,” he growled next, seemingly upset with himself. “But I do know I’ve never seen that car on this block before; not that that helps. Didn’t even see if it was a man or a woman.”

“Whichever it was, they were probably drunk,” Rachel said, bending down to retrieve her laptop bag from the ground. The man also picked up a few items which had spilled from it.

“Thank you so much for your help,” she said. “You’re one of the good guys.”

The man smiled.

“Anytime,” he said.

After assuring him that she was okay to drive, Rachel got in her Tesla.

Definitely deserve a caramel latte now!

Chapter 30

Fucking crazy people!

Ainsley was pissed. No, she was fuming!

After leaving the hospital this evening following a marathon day of procedure after procedure, Ainsley had called Rachel from her car to find out if she wanted to have a date-night. Rachel had said yes and then said, “By the way, something interesting happened to me today…” And then she had told Ainsley about almost getting killed by some reckless driver.

Now, Ainsley was at Rachel’s house, putting a fresh bandage on Rachel’s knee after cleaning it.

Rachel had told her that she had already cleaned and bandaged it but Ainsley would have none of it.

“I’m the doctor, remember?” she told her girlfriend, making Rachel come with her to the master bathroom where she sat Rachel on the edge of the tub while she herself sat on the closed toilet and re-dressed the wound. Well, “re-dressed” made it seem like something from Grey’s Anatomy, Ainsley considered. All she was really doing was using a Q-tip to apply some hydrogen peroxide to the broken skin and slapping another Band-Aid on it.