“Fuck, I am…”

“I know what will set you off,” Rachel stated.

“What?” Ainsley’s entire sex felt like warm water now.

Rachel brought her face just a tad closer. Now, Ainsley could feel Rachel’s breath caressing her neck. Rachel then ran the tip of her tongue along Ainsley’s jawline and then softly blew on it, chilling the skin, making goosebumps appear all over Ainsley’s body.

“I love you,” Rachel whispered.

Ainsley’s clit suddenly felt an electrified jolt of pure pleasure shoot through it a millisecond before the rest of Ainsley’s pussy trembled and then exploded with such delights that Ainsley had no choice but to slam her eyes shut and tilt her head back against the wall.

“I’m coming!” she shouted.

Rachel pressed against her even more firmly.

“I know you are.”

With the orgasm in full hold now, Ainsley felt Rachel’s thumb leave her clit as she then started fucking those fingers in and out of her. She felt the come inside her being sloshed around by the invading fingers while simultaneously her walls were grabbing at them. She could feel splashes of her juices on her legs. She was so wet and only getting wetter.

“Oh god! Keep going!” she commanded. She wanted Rachel to fuck her up against this wall and drain as much out of her as she could.

Eventually, she hummed and even chuckled a bit as the last remnants of the orgasm faded away. That had been a good one. Rachel had been right. Hearing her say “I love you” had been just as effective as lips sucking her clit or a vibrator on high speed shoved deep inside her.

Easing away from her, Rachel withdrew her hand, causing several jolts of sensation that made Ainsley twitch and suck in air through clenched teeth. Rachel then nuzzled Ainsley’s neck.

“So…did you mean it?” she asked.

Ainsley didn’t answer right away. She considered Rachel’s question carefully.

She was now a sated woman, weakened physically by a massive orgasm. She knew, of course, that she could go on and have several more orgasms but there was always a moment after each climax—the first, the third, even the seventh, if it was one of those nights—when a woman’s rational brain regained its faculties—however briefly—and allowed her to assess things.

Ainsley was now in one of those moments.

The truth serum had been administered.

She had to swallow to get her throat working properly again but once she did she looked Rachel square in the eye.

“I want us to live together, Rachel.”

Rachel smiled.

“I want that too. Let’s do it.”


“Yeah.” Rachel then smirked. “After you hire a maid.”

“Housekeeper,” Ainsley corrected.

“One of those too. The expense of which, by the way, is being added to your monthly share of things.”

Ainsley laughed.

“I see,” she said.

“So, I have a question,” Rachel said.

“Shoot,” Ainsley prodded. Between her legs, her arousal was still dripping out of her. She was a mess down there and needed to clean up but she could happily stand here like this all the rest of the day talking to Rachel.