“I bought us a new toy.”

“Is that right? Tell me about this new toy.”

When Rachel, ghosting Ainsley’s ear with her lips, told her, Ainsley’s eyes, which had been shut suddenly flew open.

“Oh fuck!” she gasped. “Seriously?”

Rachel answered with another nibble on her earlobe.

“Oh fuck, baby!” Ainsley just felt her pussy convulse and she knew she was dripping arousal from her opening, the sticky liquid clinging to her thighs. The future day

s and nights of pleasure which lay ahead with that toy…it was almost too much to comprehend.

She placed both hands on the sides of Rachel’s head and kissed her deeply.

“You know,” she began when they broke for air. “This wouldn’t be a problem if you would just move in with me.”

Now Rachel captured Ainsley’s lips in a deep kiss. An aggressive, bruising kiss which made Ainsley’s toes curl.

“It’s about fucking time you asked me,” she purred. “I’ve been a lesbian for, like, six months now! I was supposed to move in ages ago! The other lesbians are going to start making fun of me!”

Ainsley was about to retort wittily but then found it impossible to do so because just like that, Rachel had slipped a hand between Ainsley’s legs and had two fingers sliding easily into her wetness. Ainsley’s pussy clutched at them.

“Did you mean it?” Rachel asked.

“Yes!” Ainsley exclaimed.

“Are you just saying that because of where my hand is?” Rachel prodded, an impish smile on her face.

Ainsley met her eyes.

“You’re evil, you know that?”

Rachel nodded.

“I do know that,” she said. And as if to prove the point, she started curling and uncurling the fingers she had inside Ainsley and Ainsley felt her knees buckling and she started moaning. Rachel pressed against her more firmly, helping her stay upright. And this, just as much as what Rachel’s fingers were doing, brought her several giant steps closer to coming undone. She loved when Rachel made her feel captive; her clit loved when Rachel made her feel captive and now her passage flooded even more and quite a bit of it was spilling out past Rachel’s hand.

“But you haven’t answered my question,” Rachel pointed out.

Somehow, Ainsley managed to get the part of her brain not connected to her libido functioning.

“Ask me again after you’ve made me come,” she said, looking down at Rachel, her eyes steely but also lust-filled.

“And why should I do that?” Rachel challenged. “Because orgasms are truth serums?”

Ainsley smiled. That was brilliant!

“Yes,” she said. “Because orgasms are truth serums.”

Rachel stared at her for several moments. Finally, she cocked an eyebrow.

“Well played,” she said. “Keep looking at me…”

Ainsley pierced Rachel’s eyes with her own as Rachel started swiping Ainsley’s buzzing clit with her thumb. She whimpered as the swipes became quicker and more forceful. Her brows knitted and her lips parted. Rachel never blinked. She kept those brown eyes with their flecks of gold pinned on Ainsley’s.

“God…fucking…dammit…” Ainsley uttered.

“Close, baby?” Rachel asked in her silkiest voice.