“Just make sure you don’t hit to Rachel!” Krissy repeated, glaring back at Ainsley.

“Why? Are we about to start a miraculous seventeen-point rally?”

“Maybe we are!”

Becca, also on their team, came over.

“What’s the hold up?” she asked wearily.

Ainsley pointed at Krissy.

“Morgana the Volleyball Wizard here is suggesting I don’t hit it anywhere near Rachel.”

Krissy sucked in her breath in obvious indignation. In a huff, she turned to Becca, her hands on her hips.

“I was just suggesting a little bit of strategy,” she whispered.

Becca rolled her eyes.

“For God’s sake,” she muttered. “This set is so over, Krissy! Can’t we just forfeit?”

Krissy gaped at her.

“I do not forfeit anything! I’d rather lose honorably!”

“Suddenly she’s a samurai!” Ainsley said sarcastically.

Becca rolled her eyes again.

“Fine,” she said. “Ains, make sure Krissy the Samurai Warrior loses honorably, please, so we can all hit the bar.”

“Good idea,” Ainsley said.

“Wait! What does that mean?” Krissy asked.

“It means,” Ainsley said, “that not only am I hitting it towards Rachel but I may very well just walk over to the other side of the net and fucking hand her the ball!”

“Don’t you dare!” Krissy threatened, following Ainsley as the doctor headed towards the serve position.

Ainsley stopped and made a gesture toward Becca.

“Becs,” she said, “would you please make sure Krissy lets us lose honorably?”

“My pleasure,” Becca said with a grin just a moment before she picked Krissy up.

“Put me down!” Krissy squawked. “No! Ainsley! Don’t you dare!”

Ainsley called out to the team on the other side of the net.

“Ignore us! Just a family squabble. Here’s your serve!”

“No!” Krissy protested, still struggling futilely in the firefighter’s arms.

But without further ado, Ainsley delivered a floating serve which made the ball seem like it was filled with helium.

Lucinda tapped it back over the net on one, ending the game.

After they had all showered and changed back into street clothes, most of the women were able to join Ainsley and Rachel at the beach bar not far from the volleyball club.