Ainsley, Rachel and Sally all stared at her.

“You said you couldn’t wait to try the cake,” Amy said to Sally. “Let’s go get some. Now! Like, now!”

And before Sally could protest, Amy was leading her away toward another part of the coffeeshop.

Watching them, Ainsley put her arm around Rachel and drew her close.

“Amy is threatened by me, isn’t she?”

Rachel laughed.

“Picked up on that, did you?” she asked.

“I did.” Ainsley sighed. “I hope she can get past it, though. I like her.”

It had long bothered Ainsley that pretty much ever since she fully developed during her teenage years, people who were already part of a couple would look at her and automatically think homewrecker.

“She’s just being silly,” Rachel assured her. “Something tells me you and her are going to become great friends and when that happens, you’ll be wondering at times where her off switch is.”

“Ooh! And then I can learn all sorts of embarrassing things about you! Best friends are great for that.”

“So are sisters,” Rachel groaned. “I’ll have to remind mine to keep her big mouth shut.”

“Is she as pretty as you?” Ainsley asked. She knew Rachel was one of four children but she hadn’t seen any photographs yet.

Rachel cocked an eyebrow at her.

“Um…excuse me,” she began, “but as far as you’re concerned, no one is as pretty as I am.”

They were then interrupted by the return of Megan.

“I’m stealing Ainsley,” she told Rachel, taking Ainsley’s hand. “If she’s going to become part of the Cult of Vanessa, she needs to meet more people.”

Chapter 37

It was three weeks after the release party and Rachel didn’t know what the hell this was called but she knew it was now on her List of Favorite Things.

She and Ainsley were both nude in Rachel’s bed on this Sunday morning and Rachel was feeling as if she was about to lose her mind with pleasure.

It had started off simply enough: Ainsley had warmed her up by going down on her, edging her clit with her tongue until it was a swollen, throbbing button and her opening was a leaking, wet and tingling mess just aching for Ainsley to fill it with anything: fingers, Rachel’s egg vibrator or

Rachel’s own enormous rainbow-colored dildo—the exact same one Ainsley had, bought by Rachel so they could have one at each house.

But instead of filling Rachel’s passage with any one of those items, Ainsley had stopped her oral attentions and then quickly straddled Rachel below her waist. Wordlessly, she adjusted Rachel’s legs just how she wanted them and before Rachel knew it…

“Oh fuck! Ainsley! Oh fuck!”

The feeling of Ainsley’s wet and slick pussy pressing against her own was mind-bending, a sensation so new, so spectacularly intense it went beyond sexy, it went beyond erotic. It was taking her, body and soul, to a stratospheric height she didn’t know existed.

Ainsley, moaning at the contact, started rocking her hips. Rachel, also moaning, rocked hers as well, finding the rhythm Ainsley was setting. Ainsley grabbed one of Rachel’s breasts as she rode her; Rachel slapped her hand on Ainsley’s ass, digging her fingers into the soft flesh, encouraging her girlfriend’s movements.

Rachel truly had no idea women did such things. She had never heard of this. But she was loving it. With each rocking thrust of their hips, their clits, their folds slid easily together and Rachel’s pussy was fast approaching that moment when everything below her waist would explode with such intense sensations that they would blind her momentarily as they always did when she came hard.

Their moans increased in volume. Rachel felt herself squirt out some of the arousal flooding her passage. The knowledge that it was mixing with Ainsley’s own juices, that both of their pussies were now coated with each other’s essences made Rachel arch her back as that build-up of pressurized pleasure beneath her mound increased.

“Fuck me!” she managed to growl. “Fuck me!”

Ainsley pinched Rachel’s nipple.