Finally, the kiss ended when both women—as if with one mind—pulled their lips apart and let out steady cries, finally giving voice to all that delightful pleasure happening between their legs.

Ainsley stared into

Rachel’s eyes.

“I care for you so much!” she said as her finger began rubbing Rachel’s clit more aggressively now.

“Baby, I care for you so much too!” Rachel replied, her eyes wide as she stared back at Ainsley, her finger firmly and rapidly massaging Ainsley’s clit.

“I don’t want anybody else!” Ainsley squeaked. She was close.

“Me neither!” Rachel returned, her gorgeous brown eyes watering. “I want to be yours only!”

“You’re mine!” Ainsley assured her. “And I’m yours!”



“Everything I am is yours, baby!” Rachel gasped.

“You already own my heart, Rachel!” Ainsley said.

“And you had mine when I first saw you!” Rachel squealed.

“Oh fuck, Rachel…”

“Oh fuck, Ainsley…”

And that was it. Neither woman could take anymore.

Ainsley’s vision went black as the orgasm first exploded from under her mound and then savaged her body with ruthlessly intense spasms of carnal joy which seemed determined to both delight her and destroy her.

At the same time, Rachel screamed Ainsley’s name as her body started quaking violently, caught in the throes of her own climax, her pussy splashing come against Ainsley’s hand.

Meanwhile, Ainsley could not form words. Her screams were animalistic, nonsensical noises made as Rachel kept rubbing her clit despite Ainsley’s bucking hips. Her pussy was convulsing on the outside, clenching on the inside, her panties drenched, her thighs slick, her face numb.

Her fingers, also still on Rachel’s pussy, slid inside her girlfriend only to be clutched immediately by the tight opening…and then released…and then gripped again, Rachel’s pussy still convulsing from coming.

Eventually, it was all over and both women went limp. For the first time in who knows how long since they first started kissing, they separated and lay beside each other on their backs. Ainsley was panting, drained. Rachel, next to her, was also panting, her eyes closed.

Ainsley knew she should get up and wash her hands. She also needed to change her underwear. She had come a lot and it was still streaming out of her. But getting up to do these things was impossible. She had been depleted after this one massive orgasm. And it was because this one massive orgasm had emotions tied to it. What had just happened wasn’t just two women climaxing to satisfy a base need. This had been two women finally admitting the truth—that they were falling for each other and that their pleasure and their hearts belonged to one another.

Ainsley thought again that she should get up. It would be the work of a moment to wash her hands. The work of another moment to dry herself as best she could between her legs and slip on clean underwear. Then she could scurry back to bed.

But no…

Her consciousness was already drifting away, downward into the black chasm of sleep, and she was content to fall. Content because she had the only woman she wanted right beside her.

Chapter 31

That Saturday, Rachel and all of her new volleyball buddies were at Pechanga Arena in San Diego, getting ready to watch the friendly match between USA and Sweden.

So far, the evening had been spectacular!

As promised, they had gotten to meet the American team before the match started and Rachel was still buzzing. She had actually gotten to meet Miranda Abebe and Jenni Severbrook! They were her two favorite volleyball players in the world and she had been in the locker room actually talking to them!

And they had been so nice! Rachel figured she probably seemed like a silly teenager with all the obvious fangirling she had been doing but she didn’t care. She couldn’t help it. To be in the presence of such amazing athletes was incredible. She had only ever seen them play on television and so this was a terrific treat not only meeting them but then knowing she was going to be watching them display their skills live!