
“Turn around,” Ainsley said.

When Rachel did so and they were facing each other in the bed, their faces faintly illuminated by the moonglow coming through the window, Ainsley tucked a lock of Rachel’s hair behind her ear.

“Rach,” she began, “I don’t want to lose you and I’m going to do everything I can to make sure I don’t. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and it’s because of you.”

Rachel smiled.

“Sounds like I’m really important,” she said.

“You are really fucking important,” Ainsley confirmed.

“Good,” Rachel began. “I don’t want to lose you, either. I’m not going to let that happen. I want us to be together for a long time.”

“And you know what?” Ainsley said. “I think we will. In fact…”


“In fact, I think we both knew that when we first saw each other,” Ainsley said. “At least I did.”

“Me too!” Rachel added. “Although for me it was really, really weird!”

Ainsley laughed.

“I bet it was!”

Rachel kissed the tip of Ainsley’s nose.

“So, do you get extra points for converting a straight girl?” she asked.

“You mean at the Annual Lesbian Awards Dinner?” Ainsley said, playing along. “Yep, I do. In fact, this might just put me in line for Lesbian of the Year.”

“You mean I am going to be the girlfriend of the Lesbian of the Year?”

“I think so, yes.”

“All the girlfriends of the runners-up are going to be so jealous of me!” Rachel declared.

Ainsley couldn’t help it; she had to kiss her right then and so she did—a deep, probing kiss full of tenderness which Rachel returned. And it kept going…and going. It was the never-ending kiss, slow, languorous, meaningful.

At some point during it, Ainsley’s hand found its way under the oversized pajama shirt Rachel was wearing and slipped into her girlfriend’s panties. And then Rachel’s hand found its way into the pj shorts Ainsley had on and into her underwear.

Still the kiss went on.

Both women moaned simultaneously when their clits were touched yet they never broke their lip lock. Rachel was so very wet but Ainsley took her time with her fingers, matching the pace of her circling and rubbing with the pace of their kiss. And Rachel mimicked her, describing circles around Ainsley’s swollen and ready clit almost absentmindedly, stoking the fire within Ainsley’s center, not letting it build up too quickly nor too slowly.

Ainsley wanted this to go on all night. The hell with sleeping; she’d made do with little sleep before and she was too talented a surgeon to screw up in the OR. No, she wanted to kiss her girlfriend and rub her clit until sunrise. She wanted to give this special woman a slow-burning pleasure and so she continued the lazy motions of her fingers over that hard bud. At times, she lightly grazed it with the pad of her middle finger. Other times, she pinched it ever so softly between her thumb and forefinger. Still other times, she firmly pressed against it for a few seconds.

All the while, Rachel moaned into her mouth during their kiss. Ainsley was doing the same—moaning, grunting as Rachel’s fingers did their own magic tricks below her waist. Her pussy was flooded, she could feel the arousal pooling inside her, some of it trickling out to wet her thighs. Her clit was throbbing, radiating pleasure that was dizzying. Yet Rachel knew what she was doing and it amazed Ainsley. This woman who had never touched another woman’s sex until almost four weeks ago was expertly keeping Ainsley near the edge, never letting her venture too close to it. She was simply tantalizing Ainsley, giving her just enough to keep the juices flowing inside of her, to keep her clit buzzing and wanting more. Rachel knew when to rub the very tip of Ainsley’s clit and when to only slide her fingers around it. When to press more firmly against the tiny button and when to touch it with a touch so light it felt like a breath of air.

And not once did their kiss break.

Now Ainsley slid her long middle finger down and through Rachel’s folds. Rachel moaned against Ainsley’s mouth at this new contact and Ainsley moaned against Rachel’s mouth at feeling how much wetter Rachel was now.

Again, Rachel mimicked her and now both women’s fingers were circling each other’s openings, that sensitive flesh with all those nerve endings which for Ainsley were sending out waves of pleasure that spread everywhere inside her body. In the oh-so-brief intervals between their moans, Ainsley could hear the wetness of Rachel as her fingers played in all that arousal—a soft, squelching noise, the result of Ainsley poking her middle finger in and out of the very edge of Rachel’s opening. Or was it her own wetness she was hearing as Rachel’s fingers did the same to her?

Back to their clits and by now the edge was fast approaching.