“You did a wonderful job, as always,” Naomi replied.

“Thanks! I’ve noticed you before,” Chloë said. “You’re a regular with this group, aren’t you?”

“I am indeed,” Naomi said in what was practically a purr.

Morgan’s eyes flashed. Was Naomi flirting with Chloë?

If Chloë noticed, she didn’t let on. Instead, she turned to Morgan and said, “You were my favorite teacher! I missed you when I graduated.”

“Aww, thank you so much!” Morgan exclaimed. It never grew old, hearing that from former students.

She felt a tap on her arm.

“I need to go, ladies, sorry,” Naomi said. “I’m Patty’s ride and she needs to get back to let the sitter go. Promise you’ll come with us next month, Morgan!” She turned to Chloë. “It is like pulling teeth to get her out sometimes!”

“No, it is not!” Morgan said, laughing. She looked at Chloë. “Really, it is not.”

“I believe you,” Chloë said.

They both said goodbye to Naomi who then headed out with Patty and some of the other women they had come with. Amanda gave Morgan a little wave goodbye accompanied by a flirtatious smirk.

Naomi had better take care of that!

Turning back to Chloë, Morgan knew one thing: she didn’t want the night to end yet. She was wired up with caffeine, dressed nicely and wanting to stay out.

“I wish you didn’t have to work,” she told her former pupil. “I’d love to buy you a drink somewhere close by and catch up, find out what’s been going on in your life.”

“You can leave, Chloë.” This came from the goddess Vanessa who had been close enough to overhear Morgan. “Hi, I’m Vanessa,” she said to Morgan, her eyes transmitting the smile behind her mask.

“Morgan Banks,” Morgan said, feeling like such a super geek at how formally she introduced herself. But having Vanessa talking directly to her was unnerving. The woman didn’t seem from this planet, she was so intimidatingly gorgeous.

“I was Chloë’s literature teacher,” Morgan added.

“Yeah, I couldn’t help overhear that,” Vanessa said. “That is so cool!” She turned to Chloë. “Well, if you and Morgan want to go, do it.”

“Wait, are you sure?” Chloë asked.

Vanessa waved off her concern.

“Amber and I can handle closing up; she needs more training doing that anyway. Go! Have fun!”

Morgan then saw Vanessa lean in and whisper something to Chloë that Morgan couldn’t hear. Whatever it was, it made Chloë blush and giggle.

When Vanessa walked away, Chloë looked at Morgan and said, “Let me go get my things and I’m all yours!”

And as Morgan then watched Chloë head towards the back of La Vida Mocha, she wondered to herself, Why am I so excited about this?

Chapter 5

The Morgan Banks!

Chloë couldn’t believe it. She felt that her feet couldn’t carry her fast enough to the back room of La Vida Mocha to grab her bag so that she could then rejoin the woman waiting for her and go out for drinks!

I’m having drinks with the Morgan Banks!

She would have paused to do a little happy dance but she was afraid Miss Banks would change her mind and be gone by the time Chloë got back to the front of the coffeeshop.

The Morgan Banks had once been the subject of a lot of Chloë’s fantasies back when she was a senior at Barrington Woods High School. A lot of fantasies. Some super romantic and sweet, featuring moonlit walks on the beach and deep kisses in bed. Others more along the lines of domineering schoolteacher and Chloë saying, “Yes, Miss Banks” quite often.