While Sienna guided the car to the empty parking spot, which would offer them an unobstructed view of the restaurant’s patio, Chloë wondered what was going on. The last text she got from Morgan had mentioned that Morgan was going shopping. Well, Von’s was right here, so perhaps that’s where Morgan had gone.

But who was the guy? The text hadn’t mentioned going shopping with a guy!

With the car parked now, Chloë observed the scene closely. The guy seemed old and he kind of looked like someone famous but Chloë couldn’t think of the actor’s name. She wondered if this was Morgan’s father but why would Morgan’s father come down from Irvine with her?

Then a horrible thought occurred.

What if Morgan hadn’t even gone to Irvine?

No! No, no, no, no NO!

She tried to stop the thought from taking root and spreading but thoughts like that always take root and spread.

What if Morgan had spent the day with this guy?

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

What if Morgan had spent the day with this guy because…

No! Don’t go there! NO!

…she missed having sex with men?

Chloë had to take a deep breath in an attempt to re-center her mind. She wasn’t going to do this! She wasn’t! She wasn’t going to believe that Morgan was capable of it! Morgan was with her now! They had just had their I love you day this past Wednesday!

She felt a hand touching her shoulder. Sienna.

“Babe, don’t jump to conclusions,” Sienna said calmly.

Chloë nodded.

“Yeah…no…I know…I…” She swallowed. “I’m not.”

“You are,” her friend said. “Stop. You don’t know what we’re seeing, okay?”

But Chloë did know what she was seeing. Morgan was not only having drinks with this guy but she sure as hell seemed like she was enjoying it! Right now, for example, Morgan was laughing, her head tilted back, that gorgeous mouth of hers open with her white teeth flashing. Whoever this guy was, he was apparently fucking hilarious.

Who is he, though? An ex? Some former lover she made sure to keep on tap just in case the whole sex-with-a-woman thing didn’t work out?

Wait a minute…

Chloë snapped her fingers, remembering what Morgan had told her about…

Fuck! What was his name? Something like that other really old actor…

“Clint!” she said out loud.

“Clint?” Sienna asked. “Who’s Clint?”

“Clint is Morgan’s you!”


“A fuck-buddy!” Chloë explained. “He’s the guy she keeps around for when there are no other guys in her life and she needs to get laid.”

“Buuut, she has you,” Sienna declared.

“But I’m not a guy, am I? Anyway, Morgan told me Clint was, like, lots older than her and kind of looked like…” Chloë pointed at the guy. “Who does he look like?”