Even before walking into the restaurant, Megan had decided she wasn’t going to wait until her and her family were well into their lunch together before making her announcement. She might chicken out. Thus, after they had been shown to their table, Megan had said, “Mom, Dad, Molly, I’m gay. Always have been. Always will be. Thoughts?”

Her father had told her to stop being silly, no daughter of his was gay. Her mother had actually asked if she meant gay as in happy. And Molly had just sat there with a stunned look on her face not saying anything.

Megan had then said, “We can have this lunch together with you knowing I’m a lesbian and being fine with it, or we can not have this lunch at all.”

“You’re bluffing,” her father had said then. “Because you know I’m not going to sit here pretending to be fine with what you just told me, but I also know you wouldn’t break any family traditions like this one.”

“And so, I got up and left,” Megan now told Vanessa. “I was hungry, though, so I stopped off at a McDonalds to get something to eat, even though I have a lover who probably now thinks I’m disgusting because I ate a quarter-pounder.”

Vanessa laughed and pulled Megan in for a kiss.

“I don’t think you’re disgusting, sweetie! In fact, I’m over-the-moon proud of you!”

“I’m proud of myself,” Megan said, beaming. “I don’t know why it took so long for me to do this. I guess I was always expecting that my family would start to show some glimmer of intelligence and human sophistication. Once I realized that was never going to happen, I said fuck it.”

“Off-topic question,” Vanessa began. “How many days has it been since we first met?”

Megan scoffed.

“Twenty-one. Everybody knows that,” she replied. “Anyway, I wanna celebrate!”

“Well, it is your birthday, sweetie. We can do anything you want. Do you want your present now?”

“I do!” Megan said, before leaning in and cupping Vanessa’s chin and giving her a mischievous grin. “And then I’ll tell you what else I want to do…”

Vanessa raised an eyebrow.

“Maybe I want to hear about the what else first,” she said.

But Megan shook her head.

“No, no, no…presents before sex, always.”

They went back to the entryway where Vanessa had dropped her stuff when Megan had pounced on her. Megan saw that one of the items Vanessa had let fall was actually a Coach shopping bag. She looked at Vanessa, her mouth open in shock. With a tilt of her head, Vanessa wordlessly told her to go get it.

Megan picked up the bag by its handles and scampered into the living room, where she sat on the couch and reached inside it.

“Oh my God!” she gasped. “This is so awesome!”

This was a large Coach shoulder bag. Only, because of a recent deal Coach had made with the folks over at Disney, their traditional horse and carriage icon had been replaced with Luke Skywalker’s landspeeder being pulled by a tauntaun, with R2-D2 and C-3PO riding in the landspeeder.

Megan looked up at Vanessa, who was standing against a wall watching her.

“Babe, this is incredible! I didn’t even know Coach had a Star Wars line! Thank you so much! No one else I know has one of these!”

“And that is the important thing when it comes to handbags, isn’t it?” Vanessa said, coming to sit down next to her. “Men think it has to do with having room to store all our stuff, but, nope! It’s all about showing up the women we figure on seeing that day.”

“This is too cool! Thank you, babe.” Megan pulled Vanessa in for a real kiss now and it wasn’t long before she wanted more. She slid her hands up Vanessa sides, just skirting the other woman’s breasts, feeling Vanessa shudder in response. But Megan managed to pull away before things got too far.

Vanessa’s face telegraphed her disappointment.

“I was kinda hoping that was what else you wanted to do today,” she said.

“It is,” Megan assured her, standing up while holding Vanessa’s hand. “But upstairs. I need more space than a dumb old couch. Besides, your favorite toys are up there.”

Vanessa quirked an eyebrow.

“And I thought it was your birthday,” she said.