Vanessa rolled her eyes and sighed in exasperation.

“Ugh!” she exclaimed. “I am just soooo bored! I have the afternoon off because of La Vida Mocha’s new hours, but Megan is in La Jolla with her family for her birthday and I’m just so antsy! I didn’t used to be like this! I’ve never had a problem with filling my free time. Even when I have nothing to do, I enjoy having nothing to do.”

William motioned with his hand in a dismissive gesture.

“You’re just horny,” he said, leaning back in his chair and taking a long sip from his margarita.

“That’s another thing,” Vanessa exclaimed. “I’m horny, like, all the time now! I have never been in a sexual relationship like this before. Ever!”

William’s eyes sparkled with curiosity and he leaned forward again, eagerness to hear more on his face.

“Ooh, do tell! But leave out all the disgusting descriptions about female anatomy, though.”

“Shut up. All I’m willing to tell you is that I’m constantly thinking about sex with Megan and it’s almost annoying.”


Vanessa blushed.

“Well, when I think about having sex with her, I come up with ideas and then I get to use those ideas on her later. So, there’s an upside to it.”

William made a face.

“Stop right there!” he said, holding his hands up before him. “I don’t want to know.”

“Anyway, what’s been happening with you?”

“Finally!” William exclaimed. “Don’t you know by now that when you meet up with me, I expect to be the first topic of discussion?”

Vanessa smiled.

“Sorry, being horny all the time has made me forget my manners,” she said.

Their food arrived just as William launched into an update about all things William, which, not surprisingly to Vanessa, took them until they had both almost finished their meals.

Vanessa asked him about his thing with Tyrone. William shrugged and then said, “Tyrone and I are just messing around, having a bit of fun. I’m not really looking for love right now. But that’s why I chose him; he’s temporary.”

There was that word again. Temporary. She and Megan were temporary. But why was William’s temporary thing so different? If memory served, he and Tyrone have been temporary for over a year now! Why did William get to keep his temporary thing while Vanessa had to face hers going away? It was unfair and it was making her a little angry.

Their server came to clear their plates and they took the opportunity to order two coffees. Vanessa noticed William looking intently at her.


“This is actually interesting to me,” William said.

“What is?” Vanessa asked.

“Well, it’s obvious to me that you have it bad for Megan. I’ve been waiting the entire lunch for you to finally admit it.”

Vanessa felt the blush creeping up her face from her neck. But she admitted nothing.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you have it bad before,” William went on. “I mean, I know you kinda liked Rebecca but you weren’t gaga over her. In fact, I had the impression that she was just filling a need you had at the time to have someone to wake up next to each morning. But any war

m body would have done.”

“Aww, don’t say that,” Vanessa whined. “I did like Rebecca.”

“But not the way you like Megan?” William baited.