An idea came to Megan just then and she checked the car’s clock. She still had plenty of time. Traffic was surprisingly not bad today and she could still make it to Marcano’s before their reservation.

She exited the highway at the next exit though she was still a good fifteen minutes from the restaurant and pulled into the parking lot of a Target. She didn’t want to be driving and having this conversation.

Cindy answered on the first ring.

“Megan?” she said, the surprise evident in her voice.

“Hey, can we talk?” Megan asked.

“Of course, I’m just walking back from having an early lunch. Happy birthday, by the way.”


“So…what’s up?”

Was that hope in her voice? Megan wondered.

“I wanted to apologize,” Megan said after taking a deep breath.

There was silence for a few moments before Cindy asked, “Um…why are you apologizing to me, Megs?”

Now Megan was silent while she gathered her thoughts.


“I’m apologizing for hiding you, C

indy. For not being out. Considering how in love we were, it wasn’t fair to you. I excluded you from a lot of my life and I can only imagine how that must have made you feel.”

“Oh, Megs…”

“I guess I’m also thanking you? For being awesome and understanding about it. I wonder how many other women in my shoes were as lucky.”

“Megan, please, can I see you? There’s so much I want to say. I’m still in love with you, Megs! I was so, so stupid and I’ve been miserable these—”

“Cindy, I’m moving to New York,” Megan cut her off. “It’s for work. I don’t know when yet but it will be soon.”

“Oh,” Cindy said softly.

“And, I’m sorry, but even if I wasn’t, I’m not sure I’d give us another chance. I wouldn’t have been able to ever trust you again and eventually that would’ve driven us apart, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” Megan heard Cindy blow out a breath. “Fuck. I blew it.”

Megan couldn’t argue with that, but the purpose of this call wasn’t to beat a dead horse.

“Anyway, I just wanted to tell you how sorry I am, and how grateful I am. Despite everything, you deserve to know that.”

“Thanks, Megs. I appreciate it. I’m not gonna lie, though…I wish I could change your mind about us.”

“And I wish I could have a night of unbridled passion with Rachel McAdams.”

Cindy laughed.

“Maybe Rachel has a place in New York,” she suggested. “You might bump into her in Times Square.”

“My luck is never that good,” Megan pointed out, laughing also. “Listen, I gotta go. Take care, Cindy.”

Cindy sighed.