Like she belongs here.

“Hey, back,” Vanessa said, lowering herself onto the couch and instantly snuggling with Megan who put down her Kindle and encircled Vanessa with her arms. “How long have you been up?”

“Close to two hours, I guess. Early riser, remember?”

“I feel bad. You could have woken me, if you wanted,” Vanessa told her.

“No. This is your day off; you deserve to sleep in.”

Vanessa sighed and held Megan closer. She could get used to this.

“But now that you’re up…” Megan said. She reached for her phone which was on the coffee table and started tapping the screen. When she was done, she laid the phone back down.

“What were you doing?” Vanessa asked.

“DoorDashing us breakfast from that diner on State Street,” Megan told her. “I already had the order set up; I was just waiting for you to make an appearance before pulling the trigger on it. We have scrambled eggs and bacon coming. We have French toast coming. And because I’m feeling particularly sinful, two cinnamon rolls are coming.”

“Oh my God, you’re amazing,” Vanessa said, not caring about the calories that would be delivered to her door. It sounded perfect, better than yogurt and a fruit cup. She inhaled deeply as a new scent caught her attention. “And you made coffee!”

Megan smiled but also rolled her eyes.

“I did, but that coffee maker you have! Fuck, Vanessa, it’s fancy! It took a while for me to figure it out and even when I thought I had, I didn’t know if I was about to brew coffee or launch a space shuttle.”

Breakfast arrived about thirty minutes later and they ate together in the dining room.

“Just so you know,” Megan began, “I brought my iPad and my Kindle with me, so I have stuff to do to keep myself entertained, you know, in case you totally want to veg out uninterrupted.”

Vanessa smiled, completely won over by Megan’s thoughtfulness. She put down her fork and put her hand on Megan’s knee under the table.

“I’m glad you’re here,” she said. “Seriously. If you weren’t, I would have called you to invite you over anyway.”

Vanessa noted how Megan blushed and then bit her lip thoughtfully as she held Vanessa’s eyes with her own. To Vanessa, it seemed Megan wanted to say something, something she was debating whether to utter.

For her part, Vanessa knew that she wanted to say things. Things like how she hadn’t slept as soundly on any given night all year long until she started falling asleep with Megan next to her; and like how when she found herself daydreaming about Megan, it was no longer just about sex.

After breakfast, they started their Star Trek movie marathon, beginning with The Motion Picture and then moving on to Wrath of Khan. Following Khan, they DoorDashed lunch from the same diner.

“God, are we two spoiled first-worlders or what?” Vanessa asked, only half-facetiously after thinking to herself how ridiculously easy it was to order food now. Pick up smartphone, tap this, tap that, tap this other thing and bada-bing! Food arrives shortly thereafter. And with the no-contact delivery option, it could all be done without speaking to a single soul. “What are we going to do if there ever is a zombie apocalypse and normal society breaks down?”

Megan scoffed.

“What are you worried about? You’re an alpha lesbian. You’ll create a whole new society of female ninja warriors who will conquer the western hemisphere for you and give you dominion over all its peoples.”

Vanessa laughed so much her eyes watered.

“And what will become of you?” she asked Megan.

“I’m hoping you’ll keep me alive to be your sex-slave-slash-tech-support person.”

Probably because of lunch, they both fell asleep snuggling together on the couch while watching Search for Spock.

Before starting Voyage Home, Megan stated, “I want movie snacks! Kettle corn and candy.”

“Of which I have neither in my house,” Vanessa said with a pout.

They both looked at each other and after a second simultaneously sai

d, “Postmates!”