“Forget the wine,” Vanessa said. “Keep talking.”

Sweet Vanessa. Why can’t she be more than a fuck buddy?

Megan recounted the part of her conversation with Sophia that pertained to Trevor.

“Anyway, I had to call this guy and tell him he was fired. His fucking fiancée was even listening. And he totally deserved to be fired because he’s a sucks-ass team lead who was not only a sucks-ass team lead but also a bit of an asshole. But it’s also the middle of a fucking pandemic and I’ve never fired anyone before and it’s all kind of fucking with me.”

Megan took another sip of wine. Vanessa leaned in and kissed her cheek.

“And he called me a dyke,” Megan said.

“What?” Vanessa said loudly.

“Yeah, after I told him. Said he couldn’t believe he was being fired by a fucking dyke.”

Megan could sense Vanessa tensing up, like a spring that’s been pushed down, just waiting to be released. Vanessa was a woman of action, she realized, a woman who right now wanted to jump up, find Trevor and punch his lights out. It was fucking hot.

Too much wine.

Vanessa took a couple of deep breaths. Megan watched as the flush of anger slowly left Vanessa’s face.

“It’s okay,” Vanessa said. “All of this is not a big deal. And like you said, the guy had it coming. Hell, I was worried that something serious was wrong.”

Megan blinked.

Not a big deal?

She turned to face Vanessa; her jaw tight. A little voice was warning her that she needed to be careful considering how much wine she’d had, but she ignored it.

“I’m sorry I’m not more like you,” she said. “But this is my first time ruining someone’s life.”

Vanessa pulled away from Megan. She even scooted a few inches further from her on the couch.

“What is that supposed to mean?” Vanessa asked, looking stunned.

Megan silently cursed herself.

“I just meant that you probably had to fire a bunch of people when you were a bigshot at that company you used to work for. Also, now that you own a business, you probably expect to have to fire one or two people eventually; so, you’re used to it.”

“It doesn’t mean I like it,” Vanessa said.

“God, I never said you did! I believe I only said that you’re used to it.”

Vanessa huffed.

“Actually, if you ever get used to it, you’re a pretty shit person,” she said.

“That’s not…”

Megan let out an exasperated sigh.

How the fuck did this turn into what was sounding like a fight?

Megan reached for Vanessa’s hand, relieved when Vanessa accepted it and even squeezed it.

“I’m sorry if what I said sounded mean,” Megan said. “You’re not a shit person and I didn’t mean to imply that you are. I’m just…not completely myself right now.” She used her grip on Vanessa’s hand to pull Vanessa closer and then reached up, cupped the back of the brunette’s neck and brought their lips together. As soon as their tongues started sliding against one another desire started cutting through the slight drunkenness Megan was feeling and she groaned as her nipples hardened.

When Vanessa pulled away, Megan leaned forward to chase her lips down, but Vanessa laughingly placed a finger over Megan’s mouth.