Vanessa had anticipated this question and had thought about her answer as she was driving over here earlier. The fact was, she wasn’t sure if Megan felt the same way. She knew Megan enjoyed her company beyond the sex, and the other night, when they both confessed to one another that they enjoyed falling asleep and waking up together…that seemed like it was charged with unspoken meaning. There was also the way Megan sometimes looked at Vanessa or touched her…

Vanessa shook her head, wanting to dispel any notions could really only be the result of wishful thinking. The truth was, Megan had given her nothing concrete to make her believe that she felt the same way.

“I don’t know what Megan feels,” Vanessa answered Angela.

“Then you should find out,” Angela said. “What if she does feel the same way? You two would be amazing together!”

“And then what?” Desiree inquired, throwing up her hands. “Megan quits her job to make lattes? Or do you imagine Vanessa giving up the coffeeshop and starting over in New York?”

Desiree then looked at Vanessa.

“Here’s another thing that’s worrying me. And before I share it, I want you to know that I love you and I’m only doing this because I care deeply about you.”

Vanessa was nervously intrigued but she nodded for Desiree to go on.

“Okay,” Desiree began. “When was the last time you had regularly frequent sex with another woman?”

Vanessa blinked.

“Wow, I didn’t expect that. Um…Rebecca.”

“That long ago?” Desiree asked.

“I’ve been super busy,” Vanessa replied. Her and Rebecca had broken up shortly before Vanessa decided she could finally move forward with plans to open a coffeeshop, which then kicked off a whirlwind string of months during which Vanessa’s focus was solely on getting La Vida Mocha up and running. Then, of course, once La Vida Mocha was open, Vanessa hadn’t even had time to think about finding a steady girlfriend. But Rebecca had been almost a year ago now.

Desiree gave Vanessa a pointed look.

“Is it possible, Vanessa, that these, let’s call them non-fling, feelings you have for Megan are only because you’re getting laid regularly now?”

“Jesus, Dee!” Angela squawked.

“No, she’s right,” Vanessa said, reaching over to squeeze Angela’s hand. “Orgasms can fuck with a woman’s mind.” She looked at Desiree. “But I don’t think that’s it. I really don’t. I genuinely like Megan for more than what happens between us in bed.”

Angela leaned forward toward Vanessa; her eyes wide.

“Speaking of orgasms and bed, is Megan any good?” she asked eagerly.

“For God’s sake, Ange,” Desiree said. “She is not going to give us details about their sex life.”

“I’m not asking for a play-by-play,” Angela complained. “Just tell us…is she good in bed?”

Vanessa felt her insides flutter.

“So good,” Vanessa sighed, taking a fortifying sip of her mimosa.

“Ooh, I knew it!” Angela squealed, clapping her hands. She turned to her fiancée. “Megan’s young but, like, a mature young, you know? Plus, all that time she spends alone? Plenty of time to think and be imaginative.”

Desiree cocked an eyebrow.

“Been thinking about this much?” she asked.

Angela tapped Desiree’s arm. “Oh, stop! You know it’s just a thing that I do.”

Desiree rolled her eyes and then she reached over to place her hand lightly on Vanessa’s arm.

“Look, I think the takeaway from this experience with Megan for you should be knowing better what type of woman you’re looking for, when you’re ready to look for a woman to settle down with. Maybe it will be someone like Megan, but I don’t see how it can actually be Megan. Sorry.”

Vanessa nodded and swallowed the rest of her mimosa.