“So, did you two know I’ve been spending time with Megan?”

“No!” Angela practically screeched.


p; Desiree shook her head.

“This damn pandemic,” she said. “No one’s hanging out anymore! We’re missing all the juicy gossip.”

“I knew I sensed a spark between you two when you were over here for the party!” Angela looked at Desiree. “Didn’t I say something?”

“She did,” Desiree confirmed. “But she’s always looking for an excuse to play matchmaker.”

“I am not! Anyway, who cares?” Angela put down her fork and leaned forward with her arms on the table. “Tell us details! How did it happen?”

“And don’t skimp,” Desiree warned. “Women love details.”

Vanessa recounted the history of her and Megan, such as it was, from their first meeting at La Vida Mocha, to the two of them deciding on the night of the engagement party to have a little fling.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Angela said, making a backing up motion with her hands. “Fling? That’s all it is? What the fuck?”

“Ange, Megan is moving across the country, remember?” Desiree reminded her.

“And I’ve got my hands full with La Vida Mocha,” Vanessa added. “A fling is all her and I could commit to.”

“That’s bullshit!” Angela said. She looked at Desiree. “Dee, tell her that’s bullshit.”

But all Desiree could do was shrug.

“So, what’s the problem?” Desiree asked Vanessa, and Vanessa could tell by the look Desiree gave her that she knew what the problem was, and was feeling sorry for her.

“The problem is,” Vanessa began, “that I’ve had flings before, ladies, but how I feel about this one is way different. I can see myself with Megan beyond a fling. I can imagine more than just sex with her. Even when I first met her it felt like suddenly a puzzle piece had fallen into place. I mean…the connection…holy fuck…it was unbelievable.”

“Awww!” Angela said, grinning like a fool.

“I’m not trying to be sappy,” Vanessa insisted, reaching down to scratch Barney the pug’s ears. “If anything, I’m trying to be sensible and keep my head grounded. That’s why I’m here talking to you two. Chloë—who I spend every friggin’ day with—is great, but she’s a toddler and I needed to talk to more seasoned women.”

“Well, as a quote-unquote seasoned woman,” Desiree began, “I think you just need to accept the reality of what this thing with Megan is. It’s a temporary fling and you’ll need to move on once she leaves for New York.”

Vanessa nodded.

“Yeah, you’re right,” she said, somewhat glumly.

What had she been hoping for, coming here? That Desiree—who was the more practical and sensible of the Ang and Dee duo—would come up with some magical way for Vanessa to explore something deeper with Megan that would also allow for Vanessa to remain committed to La Vida Mocha and Megan to keep her dream job in New York?

“Thank you,” she said to Desiree. “I think I just needed to actually hear someone say it like that.”

Angela eyes were quickly flitting between Desiree and Vanessa, her mouth open.

“Oh my God, you guys are so unromantic!”

Desiree turned to her fiancée.

“Honey, it’s not about being romantic; it’s about being realistic. This isn’t some silly rom-com. Vanessa has a business here in California which is everything to her, and Megan has a life-changing job promotion which is taking her across the country. It’s sad but it’s the reality of the situation.”

Angela looked at Vanessa.

“Let me ask you this…do you think Megan feels the same way?” Angela asked.