Vanessa almost came right then.

“Open your legs wider,” Megan repeated.

“I’m not done eating,” Vanessa said.

After all, three was nothing.


An hour later, Vanessa and Megan were laying side by side in bed, facing each other. Vanessa was softly playing with Megan’s auburn hair while Megan was tracing Vanessa’s jawline with her fingertip. Their legs were entwined and Vanessa couldn’t help but marvel at how perfectly they fit together.

“Have you and Chloë ever had sex?” Megan asked.

“Good god, no,” Vanessa said, surprised at the odd question.

“She’s super pretty,” Megan pointed out.

“She is, and she’s a total sweetheart, and I love her to death, but no.”

“And that cute girl in the coffeeshop the other day? Have you done anything with her?”

“Amy? No, we’ve never done anything together.” The thought had crossed Vanessa’s mind on more than one occasion, though, but she’d never attempted flirting with Amy due to Amy being a very loyal customer and Vanessa not wanting to risk losing one of those in case they did get together and it didn’t work out.

“She’s just a regular,” Vanessa added. She tucked a lock of Megan’s hair behind her ear. “What’s bringing on all these questions?”

Megan smirked.

“You told me to remind you who you belong to while we’re together,” she said. “I’m just letting you know I’m aware of specific threats out there.”

Vanessa laughed.

“Chloë and Amy are not threats.”

Megan was silent for a while and then said, “You and Amy would make a cute couple. You know, whenever you decide to actually start dating again. Just saying.”

Vanessa felt her heart tighten. She didn’t want to be reminded about Megan leaving for New York, not tonight. She claimed Megan’s lips for a kiss.

“I don’t want to talk about who I’ll possibly date in the future,” she said after the kiss. “I’m having fun with you now. I belong to you now. I don’t care about Amy because Amy isn’t here in my house and in my bed. You are.”

“Okay,” Megan said softly.

“Talk about something else.”

Megan moved in closer.

“My birthday is in ten days.”

“What? Seriously?” Vanessa pulled away slightly so she could see Megan better.

“Number twenty-seven,” Megan told her.

Vanessa grimaced.

“Oh god, so old! Sorry, my upper age limit on fuck buddies is twenty-six. If I want an old woman, I’ll mess around with someone my age.”

“You fucking bitch!” Megan squealed, laughing. She pinched Vanessa’s nipple. “Smartass!” she added.

“Pinching my nipple is hardly a punishment, my sweet,” Vanessa purred. “You’ll have to think of something else.”