About ten minutes later, Vanessa was coming down from her own orgasm, courtesy of Megan’s expert tongue.

It had been quick.

As soon as Vanessa had come into the bedroom after leaving the Chinese food in the dining room, she had taken off her clothes as fast as she could, laid down on the bed, pulled Megan on top of her and then pushed Megan downward, wordlessly telling the woman in no uncertain terms where her head needed to be. When Megan started working her tongue around Vanessa’s extremely wet center, Vanessa had known her climax wasn’t far behind. Megan seemed to realize this and also seemed to not mind, for after taking a few tastes of the juices flowing out of Vanessa, Megan simply closed her lips around Vanessa’s clit, pressed hard with her tongue and soon had Vanessa spasming intensely with release.

“That was amazing,” Megan said as she settled herself next to Vanessa on the bed.

“Fucking amazing,” Vanessa agreed, still catching her breath.

“It was the hottest thing to ever happen to me,” Megan whispered. “The way you just took me like that. Do that some more in the future, please.”

Vanessa grinned, remembering. It hadn’t been planned, but when she had seen Megan standing outside her door, in that skirt which hugged those amazing legs, and in that fucking top! With no bra! A switch had been thrown and Vanessa just had to consume her.

“As you wish,” she said.

“Are you quoting Boba Fett or Wesley from Princess Bride?”

“Definitely Fett.” Vanessa turned her head to face Megan and just stared at her.

“What?” Megan eventually asked in a whisper.

“I want you to stay the night,” Vanessa declared.

Megan beamed and Vanessa’s heart went boom!

“I want to spend the night,” Megan said. “I even packed for it, hoping.”

Vanessa rolled onto her back to look at the ceiling.

“I almost texted you to suggest you do that.” She paused, then continued. “I liked falling asleep with you the other night.”

Megan moved closer, snuggling against Vanessa’s side, her face in the crook of Vanessa’s neck. Vanessa sighed with contentment.

“I liked waking up next to you the next morning,” Megan said softly.

Vanessa wanted to stay like this all night, but her stomach growled.

“Good, now that we know you’re not leaving, let’s eat!” Reluctantly, she disengaged herself from Megan and left the bed. “Did you bring pajamas?”

“I did.”

“Good, why don’t you put those on while I grab my robe?”

A few minutes later she and Megan were unloading the food from the delivery bag in the dining room. Thankfully, the food was still warm. Vanessa brought out plates and silverware and Megan helped dish the food out of the cont

ainers from the restaurant. Vanessa produced a bottle of wine from the kitchen and like a sommelier presenting a selection to a customer in a five-star restaurant, held the bottle out for Megan to see.

“Gewürztraminer!” Megan exclaimed.

“Yeah, it was recommended to me by an adorable wine drinker I know.”

Wine poured and food dished, the women began eating. Vanessa was happy to learn that Megan was the type who loved to share her food, which Vanessa considered a requirement when Chinese was involved.

“So…spill it about La Vida Mocha,” Megan prompted. “What was the deal with closing so early today?”

Vanessa filled Megan in about her decision to alter the coffeeshop’s hours temporarily, adding that she was going to give it three weeks before making any further decisions.

Megan smiled.