The way Vanessa was so obviously turned on by Megan was bringing Megan that much closer to her release.

“I wanted you over here last night,” Vanessa groaned. “I wanted you to lick me until I passed out.”

“Vanessa! Oh, fuck…”

“I wanted to see your pretty little face eating me out and licking my come over and over again.”


“Come on, sweetie…that’s it…” Vanessa gently urged.

Megan felt her walls clutching rapidly at the fingers pumping her. She was so close now.

“Oh fuck!”

Vanessa’s thrusts became more forceful and then Megan felt Vanessa’s thumb press against her clit just a moment before Vanessa curled her fingers inside, stroking hidden spots inside Megan’s center.

“All of this is mine, sweetie,” Vanessa growled.


Megan wanted to be this woman’s possession.

“Then say it!” Vanessa ordered.

“It’s…it’s yours. All of it is yours! Fuck, Vanessa!”

“Say it again.”

“Yours…all yours,” Megan whimpered.

“Now, say my name when you come!”

That sent Megan over the edge.

“Oh fuuuck! Vanessaaaa!” Megan screamed as the orgasm tore through her and her pussy spasmed around Vanessa’s fingers, coating them with even more lubrication. Megan shuddered and screamed again, this time with her face buried in Vanessa’s shoulder. And still Vanessa kept pressing on her clit, still she kept curling and uncurling the fingers she had buried inside Megan, and Megan’s eyes shot open as she realized another orgasm was right behind this first one.

No fucking way!

Megan uttered a high-pitched squeal just a second before her sex exploded with even more intense throbs of pleasure even as it was still vibrating from the first climax. When this one hit, she let out more screams, trying to say Vanessa’s name but not being able to form anything coherent. She clung onto Vanessa tightly, needing the other woman to support her, otherwise she was going to collapse because she could no longer feel her legs.

The doorbell rang. Megan jerked at the sound but by pressing even more firmly against her, Vanessa indicated that Megan wasn’t to go anywhere. Instead, Vanessa slowed her fingers and Megan just held on to her as the spasms of her overlapping orgasms had their way with her, the strongest ones making her flinch, gasp, whimper. Finally, Megan felt the fingers being carefully withdrawn and then Vanessa’s mouth was on hers for a deep kiss.

“I-I think the delivery guy probably wants to be paid,” Megan eventually said when the kiss ended.

Vanessa smirked.

“I chose a no-contact delivery,” she said. “He should have left the food by the door.” Her smirk grew wider. “Perks of a pandemic. Though I’m pretty sure he got an earful of a certain young lady having a pretty good time in here.”

Megan blushed.

With a tilt of her head, Vanessa indicated the hallway to Megan’s right.

“That way, to the end and then make a left. My bedroom is at the end of the second hall. Get in there while I get the food. Be naked when I arrive.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Megan said, her voice barely above a whisper. She left her skirt and panties where they had fallen. On wobbly legs that kept threatening to come out from under her, with head spinning dizzily, she somehow managed to follow Vanessa’s directions, even though she had to reach out and steady herself on the walls from the time to time.

Chapter 23