“Hmm, I couldn’t be sure,” Megan replied. “After all, you—”

“Do not call me mini Mom!” Molly ordered.

Megan smiled because that was exactly what she was about to do.

“So, what do I tell her?” Molly prompted. “Yes to Marcano’s, or no?”

“Tell her yes. It might be the last time we get to do that for a while. I can’t promise that once I move to New York I’ll be able to come back each year for my birthday. But since you’re playing Miss U.N. Ambassador, tell Mom that if there are any gay people in the restaurant and she makes one comment, I will leave.”


Later, after showering, Megan, wrapped in a towel, opened her walk-in closet and scrutinized her collection of handbags hung neatly on hooks in one corner.

Even though her plans with Vanessa were for early in the night, Megan figured there was a possibility that she could end up spending the night if she stayed late enough. And there was a very good chance she would stay late enough. Her and Vanessa were like machines in bed, both of them often surprised at how much time had passed when they finally stopped for rest. Megan had never had anything like this before. Sex with Cindy had been good; sex with a lot of Megan’s past lovers had been good, but this was next level stuff.

Now, Megan knew she needed a what if bag, having had no need for one during the two years she was with Cindy. The selection was crucial. It had to present as just an ordinary handbag but be large enough to accommodate a change of clothes and necessary toiletries, without seeming like Megan had packed a suitcase.

She was actually hoping she would end up spending the night, though. No, scratch that, she wanted to spend the night.

Waking up next to Vanessa on Sunday morning had felt wonderful, blissful. And Megan realized that she had actually slept better than she had since her breakup with Cindy. After opening her eyes, she had laid there, staring at Vanessa sleeping. At one point, she had reached out to tuck a loose lock of hair behind Vanessa’s ear, happy that she had done so without disturbing her because the sight of Vanessa asleep in her bed was an image Megan had wanted to hold onto.

After a few moments of consideration, Megan settled on a yellow Kate Spade tote she had bought herself just because one day and set about filling it with the items she thought she’d need tomorrow morning.

The thought thrilled her but she also knew she had better prepare herself mentally and emotionally to be sent back home tonight. After all, this wasn’t a sleepover kind of relationship.

But in an attempt to sway Vanessa the other way, Megan found another pencil skirt in her closet, this one a bit shorter than the one she had worn during work hours today, stopping just above her knees. She paired it with a cute spaghetti strap cami top in black that she couldn’t possibly wear a bra with. If Vanessa really like Megan’s girls as much as she seemed to, this top should make her think of little else.

In half an hour, she was ready. She texted Vanessa that she was on her way, receiving three smiley-face emojis in return.

Turns out, Vanessa’s house was less than a five-minute drive away, on one of the side streets which branched off of Carlsbad Village Drive. Megan had to chuckle at the absurdity of Fate, that even in a small town like Carlsbad, a woman she’d never laid eyes on before but who now made Megan’s heart flutter each time she thought of her, lived within walking distance of her condo.

“Oh, this is nice,” Megan commented to herself, looking at the single-level ranch-style house with manicured front lawn as she pulled into the driveway. She checked her appearance one last time in the visor mirror, did a quick finger-fluff of her bangs and then deemed herself ready to exit the car.


When Vanessa opened the door, Megan instantly felt her body respond. And it wasn’t because Vanessa looked stunning—she did, but this time it was because as soon as Vanessa opened her front door and caught sight of Megan, Megan heard her gasp and then watched as Vanessa’s eyes drank her in. Every time Vanessa’s eyes lingered—first on Megan’s chest, then on Megan’s legs, Megan felt her center getting slicker.

“Um…come in,” Vanessa finally managed to say, licking her lips.

“Thank you.” Megan stepped into Vanessa’s foyer.

“Food will be here in about ten minutes,” Vanessa informed her, eyes telegraphing desire as she reached for Megan’s hips.

“Great. I’m starving,” Megan said, allowing Vanessa to pull her closer. Then, with one firm tug, Vanessa removed the distance between them and covered Megan’s mouth with her own. Megan dropped her Kate Spade bag and brought her hands up to wrap around Vanessa’s back.

Vanessa’s grip on her hips tightened and then Megan felt herself shoved against the closed front door. The control Vanessa was exhibiting was driving Megan wild and she moved her hands up to entwine her fingers in Vanessa’s hair, pulling the brunette in closer so she could deepen the kiss. But Vanessa clearly had other ideas. Vanessa’s hands slid up Megan’s sides until they were at Megan’s shoulders. Forcefully, Megan’s arms were brought down to her sides and before she knew what was happening, Vanessa pulled the spaghetti straps of her top down off her shoulders, and yanked the garment down, exposing Megan’s breasts. Hot desire pooled between Megan’s legs when she felt Vanessa’s hand cup one of her breasts, squeezing it, flicking her thumb over an already rock-hard nipple.

Megan whined in protest when their kiss was broken by Vanessa pulling away but that whine morphed into a moan when a nipple was sucked into Vanessa’s mouth.

“God, Vanessa!”


“Oh, fuck!” as the nipple was then bitten hard, with just the right amount of pressure. Megan blindly grabbed for the doorknob to help support herself.

Vanessa repeated her ministrations to Megan’s other breast and each time her nipple was bitten, Megan’s clit throbbed as if the two were connected and all thoughts of how hungry she was and eating Chinese food left Megan’s mind.

Eventually, Vanessa brought her head away from Megan’s chest and began nuzzling Megan’s neck.