Of course, there was her mother and her disturbing offer to come work at the shop. The only—only!—advantage Vanessa saw in that option was that her mother would work for free.

Well, not exactly free…

Vanessa knew her mother would expect to be repaid in time spent with Vanessa doing all sorts of mother-daughter bonding. And, of course, her mother would expect to stay at Vanessa’s house. Vanessa loved her mother endlessly, but having that woman around all day at the shop and all night at home? Vanessa would rather kiss a man.

Besides, the last thing she needed was a clingy parent around when she had an eager and oh-so-skilled lover named Megan that she had limited time with.

The thought of Megan made Vanessa reach for her phone. She knew she probably shouldn’t, but it was almost a compulsion. She sent a text to Megan.


Hey back! I figured you’d be passed out by now!

Trust me I want to but trying to stay up until a more bedtime-y time

OMG, I love that phrase “bedtime-y!” Totally stealing it! So, what are you doing?

Watching world war z for millionth time

My zombie is watching zombies. How perfect!

ur silly but I like it

Tell me something new I don’t know about you

Why was she doing this? What was the point?


What were you like as a kid?

Like, little kid? You won’t believe it, but I was something of a tomboy! I even played Little League!

Vanessa’s eyebrows raised.

Ur right I don’t believe you

It’s true! You should be proud to know that you are texting the girl who hit the game-winning double in the season finale, earning the La Jolla Sharks the district trophy.

Still don’t believe u. I want video evidence.

Bite me! I’ll get it too! What about you?

I was a TOTAL girly-girl as a kid! Played with dolls and everything! I didn’t start getting all athletic until middle school.

Okay, my turn…Name of first girl you kissed? I mean, REALLY kissed.

Grinning, Vanessa typed the name Shobana Sadachapakam, and then laughed out loud when Megan wrote back:

Holy fuck! That’s a mouthful! I expected a name like “Julie” or “Natalie.”

Nope. Shobana. Gorgeous north Indian girl I went to high school with. Totally into each other. You?

Julie! Followed by Natalie.

Laughing, Vanessa sent:

I wish I wasn’t so tired. I really wanted to see you tonight.