“That’s three-twenty,” Vanessa said.

The woman unzipped the flap of her leather messenger bag.

“Cool bag!” Vanessa said.

That earned Vanessa another mask-hidden smile which nonetheless reached the other woman’s eyes.

“Thanks! I got it in Singapore. Back in the Before Times when we could still travel the world.” She extracted a wallet and then pulled a five out. “Keep the change,” she said.


Sure, Vanessa was grateful for the tip but it also meant she couldn’t keep her visitor here just a few moments longer while she worked the register and got her change. An idea came to her.

“Um...why don’t you just stay here and drink that? And work on your art?”

There went the eyebrow again. Vanessa’s heart went boom. Like, BOOM!

The customer hesitated a moment.

“That’s sweet but I don’t want to get you in trouble.”

Vanessa gave a little nonchalant wave.

“You won’t, I’m sure. Look,” and here Vanessa pointed to the sofa in Lover’s Nook.


But there was no way the other woman knew that’s what the little niche was called.

“Um...that sofa is out of view of the window. No one will see you. And on the off-chance that a cop comes in I’ll tell them that you’re one of my staff. Doing inventory.”

The woman laughed and looked over at the couch. She still hesitated a moment but then she said, “If you’re sure?”

“I am.”

“Well, thanks. I’ll definitely stay. On one condition...”

Chapter 3

Megan stated her condition.

“I’ll feel weird if I’m over there drawing and you’re here doing whatever. I mean, it’s just the two of us in here. I’m sure you’re busy and all but if you get a break would you come hang out with me a bit?”

Megan felt like a silly schoolgirl but she also realized that her happiness over the next few seconds was dependent on whether this gorgeous barista agreed to come chill with her on the couch.

Jesus, get a grip. You passed how many hot women along the seawall today without getting all flushed?

But this was different.

This barista with her long black hair made Megan’s heart race a bit every time she stared at Megan with those eyes that were like deep pools of coffee.

Earlier, while the barista had busied herself making the Americano, Megan had wandered a bit from the counter. Sure, she wanted to check the place out, with its funky and eclectic mix of furnishings and industrial décor, but she had also taken the opportunity to check out the woman fixing her drink.

Black jeans that hung lo

w on her hips, a tight cream-colored t-shirt that was sleeveless and showed incredible arms and hugged a bust that was…yummy. Hair that was as black as one of the evil queens in a Disney movie. Even her face mask was cute, displaying Darth Vader’s grill.

A sci-fi nerd.