Once showered and dried, Vanessa then took essential items like her wallet, car keys and phone charger out of the hobo bag she carried every day and transferred them to a larger Coach handbag, spacious enough to hold a change of clothes and toiletries, all of which she now spent a few minutes packing in the bag.

She then dressed quickly in a skater skirt and cotton tee.

Her phone beeped.

22 minutes since you texted. I’m assuming in 8 minutes I will get another text telling me that you’re locking your door, right? Every minute you’re late is a minute I take away from my kiss hello.

Vanessa gasped.

Oh, really?

And then…

Fuck, that’s hot!

Not wanting to be denied any extra time kissing that gorgeous woman, Vanessa hurried, slipping on some super comfy flats and checking her appearance one last time.

Locking my door! 2 minutes to spare I might add!


It was near one in the morning when they were finally done with each other, two women exhausted and spent. It was Vanessa who surrendered to sleep first, soon after she had licked Megan to another orgasm. The fourth? The fifth? The last thing she remembered before the blackness overcame her was Megan holding onto her tightly.

When Vanessa next opened her eyes, the room was dark. There were a few seconds of disorientation while her mind tried to make sense of the different feel of the bed she was lying in, the different sounds of the room, the weight of a body next to hers.

Where am I?

And then she remembered and smiled with contentment. Her and Megan had had a fun night.

She took a look at the clock on the nightstand. Would she ever be able to look at that clock again and not get wet? It said 3:57 a.m.

Vanessa turned her head to her left and was able to make out Megan’s sleeping form next to her in the darkness. She was laying on her side, her back to Vanessa.

Vanessa smiled and moved herself so she was pressed against Megan, putting her right arm over her. In her sleep, Megan reached for Vanessa’s hand and held it and then resumed softly snoring. Vanessa clung a little tighter. Then she closed her eyes again and was back asleep in a couple of minutes.

When Vanessa woke next it was because the alarm on her phone was ringing. A pleasant yellow California daylight was beginning to shine through the blinds. 6 a.m.

After silencing the alarm, she realized she was alone in the bed but she smelled coffee and figured Megan was in the kitchen.

After peeing and using some mouthwash, Vanessa spotted her Coach bag on the floor near the closet. She didn’t recall bringing it upstairs last night and so figured Megan must have. It was a simple and thoughtful gesture and it made Vanessa smile.

Retrieving the clothes from the bag, she dressed quickly. She wanted to reach La Vida Mocha no later than 6:45 in order to have plenty of time to open.

God, I wish I didn’t have to open today!

Suddenly, she froze as she brushed her hair in front of the full-length mirror in Megan’s bedroom.

Just a week ago, Vanessa would have given her right arm for the chance to once again open La Vida Mocha on a Sunday. Now, she almost wished the stricter pandemic rules were still in effect.

Have I missed regular sex that much?

That was part of it, she knew. But she also knew that it was who she was having regular sex with.

She shook her head.

Nope! Not going there!

Turns out Megan wasn’t downstairs. As Vanessa was about to descend the steps, a voice called out from one of the other upstairs rooms.