Vanessa had made up her mind on Thursday afternoon, after Megan had fucked her behind the counter, that as much as possible, when she wasn’t in La Vida Mocha, she wanted to spend her free time with the woman.

Thinking of whom…there had also been a text from Megan.

You’re probably super busy so I don’t expect you to answer. I just wanted to say I hope things go well today. I’m also probably not going to stop by. Since now I know you get a lot of lesbians in La Vida Mocha, I will probably get into a fight the first time I see one giving you fuck me eyes. Just saying. Will I see you tonight?

Vanessa raised her eyebrows in surprise. It sounded like Megan was claiming her territory, at least that was one interpretation. And Vanessa liked it.

She had fired off a quick text, telling Megan she’d definitely come by tonight.

But only for an hour or so! I’m opening LVM tomorrow and need to be sure to get some extra sleep.

She had decided that La Vida Mocha would once again open on Sundays, and Chloë was game. It meant giving up a much-needed day off, but under the circumstances her business needed to be open as much as possible. Who knew how long this reopening phase would last?

I thought you were closed on Sundays? Megan had written back.

I’ll explain later. Anyway, an hour or two tonight. Tops.

There had been no reply for a few minutes, allowing Vanessa to take some more bites of her lunch. Then, her phone pinged.

Vanessa, just pack a bag and stay for once.

Vanessa blinked.

Another text arrived:

It won’t mean we’re married.


sp; Vanessa chuckled and then bit her lip, considering.

It would be a lot more convenient to spend the night. Besides, her and Megan hadn’t gotten together yesterday, Friday, because Megan had got back from the funeral in Coachella later than anticipated. The result was that Vanessa was pretty horny; too horny, she knew, to get satisfied in just an hour or two.


At closing time Vanessa was exhausted, but she had to do it all again tomorrow.

Chloë seemed intent on continuing to work at La Vida Mocha, which meant Vanessa could once again make her the assistant manager; then, if things continued going well next week, maybe she could find out if Luli was interested in coming back. If not, it wasn’t as if there was a shortage of people looking for jobs. With three people on staff, including herself, Vanessa could arrange their schedules so that there would always be at least two people in the shop each day, and her and Chloë could alternate Saturdays and Sundays off.

Vanessa and Chloë spent forty-five minutes closing down the shop, Chloë doing most of the cleaning and prep work for tomorrow while Vanessa counted the receipts and bagged the cash for depositing at the Chase bank one block over.

As they walked out of the shop together once the place was buttoned down, Vanessa put her arm around Chloë’s shoulders.

“I can’t tell you how important it is to me that you’re here, sweetie,” Vanessa said with feeling, pulling her friend in closer. “I’m serious; I can’t imagine anyone else I’d rather be doing this with.”

Chloë put her own arm around Vanessa’s waist and squeezed.

“Honestly? This is what I want to do, Vanessa, and where I want to be. I can’t abandon you; you’re the best boss on the planet.”


At home, Vanessa sent a text to Megan as soon as she walked in the door.

Just got home! Give me 30 minutes and I’ll head right over!

So far, they’d only made use of Megan’s condo for their trysts, which suited Vanessa just fine. To begin with, Megan didn’t live that far away; door to door it was five minutes. But, also, in the past, whenever Vanessa had had casual flings with women, she preferred to keep them out of her home as much as possible. It meant less chance that Vanessa would ever associate her sanctuary with a woman who was never going to be a permanent fixture there.

In her bedroom, she quickly stripped and got in the shower, making it extra hot, loving how the spray invigorated her, the steam helping to revive her. As she washed, she couldn’t help but consider the possibilities of tonight. It was all she could do to keep her fingers from playing between her legs at the thoughts running through her mind.