“I don’t agree,” she stated.

Vanessa blinked.


“No, Vanessa. I may be leaving California at the end of the year or at the end of the month, for all I know. Either way, I see nothing wrong with both of us having as much fun together as humanly possible. And for the record, when I say ‘fun’ I mean sex.”

Vanessa chuckled.

“Yeah, I kind of figured that’s what you meant,” she said. “Okay, then, we at least need to limit things like what we’re doing now.”


“Yeah, eating. Together. Out. I mean, ordering a pizza after sex is one thing, but meeting up for meals should be a no-no because that’s a date.”

Megan thought about that. That rule felt weird for her but that was only because she was new to this fling thing. But it made sense given their circumstances and so she said, “Deal.”

“Oh, one more thing!” Vanessa said.

Damn, this woman has a lot of rules!

“And that is?” Megan prodded.

“Well, neither one of us should get possessive about the other’s time. If you don’t want to, or can’t, see me one night, for example, I need to be okay with that. Same for you.”

Megan nodded.

“Deal,” she said firmly.

“Good,” Vanessa said, and then smiled slyly, “because I can’t see you tomorrow night. I have plans.”

Megan felt a jolt of jealousy charge through her, though she tried to squash it immediately. Jealousy should not be a factor in anything her and Vanessa did. But, alarmingly, there it was.

Plans? With a woman?

Megan toyed with the remnants of her salad in a way that she hoped looked indifferent.

“What kind of plans?” she asked.

“Dinner with my best friend William and his parents. He’s gay but not out and I pretend to be his girlfriend whenever his parents stop by.”

Megan giggled, partly in relief. William. A guy.

“Seriously?” She was elated Vanessa’s plans weren’t with another woman.

“Yeah, it’s stupid, I know; but I love the idiot.”

“Well, just so you know, if we can’t get together tomorrow then we most likely can’t get together until Friday or Saturday, because I leave for Coachella on Thursday.”

Vanessa swallowed a bite of salad.

“Coachella? Is it work related?”

Megan noticed a change in Vanessa’s voice when that question was asked.

Wait! Was Vanessa jealous about what my plans might be?

“A funeral,” Megan told her.