Megan shivered slightly as Vanessa brought her head closer. She parted her lips, eager for Vanessa’s kiss, but was surprised when Vanessa instead brought her mouth to the side of Megan’s head and started ghosting her ear with her lips. Megan hummed and her clit pulsed once.

“Why?” Vanessa whispered, then nibbled on Megan’s earlobe. Megan brought her arms up to encircle Vanessa’s back, entrapping her. It took a moment for Megan to be able to speak.

“Because as soon as I saw you, I was hoping for moments like this,” she purred. She nuzzled Vanessa’s neck and was rewarded with feeling Vanessa’s fingers tighten on her hips.

The woman smelled amazing and Megan flared her nostrils to drink it in. Lavender and coffee.

Thank god she doesn’t work at a pig farm.

She couldn’t take it anymore. Pulling her face away from her neck, Megan found Vanessa’s lips and initiated a passionate kiss, instantly inserting Vanessa with her tongue. Her clit pulsed twice. Then, emboldened by the slickness her center was producing, Megan decided to be devilish. Using one of the hands she had on Vanessa’s back, she moved along Vanessa’s bra strap until she felt the catch under the fabric of the yellow t-shirt Vanessa had on; then, she hooked her thumb underneath it, pulling it away slightly from Vanessa’s skin, as if she was about to unhook it.

It had the desired effect. Vanessa whimpered and even sagged a bit and then deepened her kiss.

Megan’s clit pulsed three times.

This time it was Megan who forced herself away when her stomach rumbled loudly.

“We still haven’t eaten,” she said.

Vanessa smiled. “I know. Sorry our lunch together has been mostly doing work. Let’s eat out here so we can see any customers coming in. I’ll go get our food.”


“When do you have to leave?” Vanessa asked a few minu

tes later. She and Megan were enjoying their lunches at one of the out-of-the-way tables near the hallway that led to the restrooms in the back.

“Soon,” Megan replied. “I have a one-thirty. And I have to keep my second job because of the crap wages you pay me,” she added teasingly, rolling her eyes dramatically. She was trying not to shovel salad into her mouth because the truth was, she was starving. “So…let’s talk. I believe the first topic is sleepovers?”

Vanessa grinned. “Right.”

“Well, let me get the ball rolling by saying that going forward, I think it’s silly for you to leave my house at nearly eleven o’clock at night only to go home and go to bed.”

Nodding, Vanessa said, “Okay, that makes sense. So, how about this: If one of us is over at the other’s house past a certain time, she spends the night.” She held up a finger. “But only past a certain time.”

“And what time should that be?” Megan asked, realizing she was hoping Vanessa would say nine p.m.

“Let’s say eleven?”


“Deal,” Megan said, disappointed but not wanting to be pushy by suggesting ten o’clock. “And if one of us doesn’t want to spend the night, the other one can’t get bent out of shape about it.”

“Of course,” Vanessa said.

“What else?”

“Well,” Vanessa began, “I think we need to set some ground rules.”


“Like, maybe we should limit how often we see each other.”

Megan frowned.

Hell no.

She was going to be moving to New York in the near future and the woman responsible for the best sex of her life was telling her that they should limit their time together? She wasn’t going to accept that.