It was like Abby had a sixth sense. Or, barring that, a set of surveillance cameras in Megan’s house. Megan thought she might want to check if that was true.

As soon as Vanessa had left, Abby called.

“Tell me everything!” Abby greeted as soon as Megan answered.

Megan swallowed a laugh and concentrated to keep her voice level when she answered with, “About what? Vanessa came over and we ate pizza for lunch.”

“You fucking liar!” Abby screamed. “Even you are not that much of a dork!”

“Okay, okay,” Megan said, laughing. “Yes, a lot more than lunch happ



“I am not giving you details, bitch! And, god, you called just after she left. How did you do that?”

“My spidey-sense was tingling, telling me my best friend just got laid. You see what I did there? I used a dorky comic book reference just because I love you. So, at least tell me if she was any good.”

“Good” doesn’t describe it.

Megan had to regain control of her thoughts because Abby’s question had immediately made her recall all the things Vanessa had done to her. Megan’s insides started swirling now.

“Beyond good,” she confessed to Abby.

“Not a pillow princess? Because she looks like she could be a pillow princess.”

“Fuck you, no she doesn’t!” Megan said, and she was surprised at how defensive she sounded.

“Are you kidding me?” Abby returned. “Vanessa looks like she could just bring any woman to her bedroom, lay back, command that things be done to her and then tell the bitch to make her a grilled-cheese sandwich. When I first saw her, I wanted to make her a grilled-cheese sandwich!”

“God, you’re a child sometimes!” Megan sighed, even as she knew Abby technically wasn’t wrong. If Vanessa had asked for a grilled cheese sandwich earlier, Megan would have happily made her one.

“Vanessa isn’t even your type,” Megan added. Abby liked the butch ladies. In fact, some of the women Abby had been involved with over the years that Megan had met were more masculine than some men Megan knew.

Abby scoffed.

“Vanessa is everyone’s type, dork! She may be a Barbie doll but I definitely would not turn her away.”

“She is not a Barbie doll!” Megan said, surprised at how quickly she was jumping to Vanessa’s defense.

“So, was this just a one-time thing?” Abby asked.

“No, we’re planning on seeing each other again,” Megan answered. At least she hoped that was the case. Abby may have made her point crudely but she did hit the nail on the head: Vanessa could literally have any woman she wanted, certainly any gay woman and probably her fair share of straights, and Megan wondered now if perhaps Vanessa would see no reason to continue seeing her since they’d already had sex. After all, Vanessa only wanted casual flings, and how many sexy and beautiful women came into Vanessa’s coffeeshop each day who would give up their eye teeth for just one night with her? Hell, Vanessa was probably in her Jeep now talking to tonight’s lucky woman.

Megan shook her head briskly to quell the rising jealousy she was now feeling. So what if Vanessa didn’t spend tonight alone? She herself was going to New York soon to start a brand-new life, and once there she was bound to find plenty of attractive women to start a real relationship with.

“Ooh, another date?” Abby teased.

“Shut up! It won’t be a date just like today wasn’t a date. Vanessa and I are just having fun, whatever form that takes. I thought you’d be happy. Weren’t you the one who kept bugging me to get over Cindy by getting under a woman?”

Abby laughed.

“Well, it’s about time you listened to me,” she said.


The next morning, Megan was sitting on her back patio at her round patio table with umbrella. Her feet were up on the table, her work laptop balanced on her thighs, a mug of coffee and a bowl of cashews within easy reach.