
“Are you close with them? Your parents?” Vanessa asked, while Megan poured two new glasses of the gewürztraminer. Vanessa made a mental note to pick up a couple of bottles of this stuff for her house because she really liked it.

“Sort of,” Megan answered, leading the way into the living room. They took seats right next to each other on the couch. “I’m not very much like them, when it comes down to it. My sister, Molly, is, though; it’s like she’s some kind of dual clone of them both. But as far as I go…let’s just say that there is a kind of unspoken agreement that certain topics are off-limits. I’m not even out to them yet. Pathetic, I know.”

Vanessa reached over and put her hand on Megan’s knee.

“Don’t say that,” she told Megan. “Coming out is a journey, a very personal one, one that you have to finish in your own time.”

Placing her hand on top of Vanessa’s, Megan said, “Thank you. And I get that, I do, but the older I get, the more like a coward I feel.”

Before she knew what she was doing, Vanessa lifted Megan’s hand to her lips and gave it soft kiss. The thought crossed her mind then of how intimate a gesture it was. And how un-fling-like.

Again, it was as if Megan was reading her mind.

“So, is all of this allowed with what we’re doing?” Megan asked, peering at Vanessa over her wine glass. “I mean, all of this personal history talk?”

Vanessa smiled.

“Why not? This may just be a casual thing but I’d like to think we can still become friends.”

Megan smiled.

“I’d like that.”

“Besides, pretty soon you’re about to be the only person I know in New York. That means I’ll have someplace to crash the next time I travel there.”

Lunch arrived about half an hour later. While they ate, though she managed to keep up a running conversation with Megan during which both women shared some more about themselves, Vanessa was also considering leaving. It wasn’t that she wanted to leave; in fact, she was delighted to discover that she was enjoying spending the time with Megan outside of the bedroom as much as the time they had spent inside the bedroom. Well, almost.

But that was the problem. Vanessa could totally imagine spending the entire rest of the day with Megan doing nothing more than talking or even snuggling on the couch watching Netflix. Not only that, Vanessa could totally imagine going back upstairs and falling asleep with Megan. And what would be the point of that? Megan was leaving for New York eventually. Better to avoid any risk of forming an attachment.

After helping Megan clear away their lunch, Vanessa said, “So, can I see you again soon?”

Megan, who had been putting the leftover pizza in the refrigerator, turned to look at her, and Vanessa swore she saw a flash of disappointment on Megan’s face.

“Oh! Are you leaving?” Megan asked.

“Yeah, it’s my one day off and I usually try to cram laundry, housework and cleaning out my purse into it. I usually only get as far as cleaning out my purse, though.”

“Totally get it,” Megan said with a smile. “I guess I should probably get some chores done also.”

“So…maybe later this week?”

Megan nodded.

“My life is boring. Text me anytime and chances are we can hang out.”

“Count on it,” Vanessa said. She came forward, snaked her arms around Megan’s waist and pulled the other woman forward for a kiss. Vanessa had intended it to be just a quick see-you-later kiss, but once their lips touched, the kiss became long, slow and gentle; not at all the hungry, lustful kissing that had led them first to the couch and then the bedroom earlier. Instead, the kiss was that of two women who acted as if they had all the time in the world. Which they didn’t, and when Vanessa reminded herself of that fact, she pulled away.

“Okay, then,” Vanessa said, somewhat breathlessly. “I’m gonna go.”

Megan walked her to the door and held it open for her.

“Seriously, text me later this week,” Megan said as Vanessa stepped outside and started walking to her Jeep.

Vanessa doubted she could wait that long.

Chapter 14