“And I personally see nothing wrong with that,” Megan declared.

“Oh, you’re just buttering me up because of that thing I did with my fingers a few minutes ago,” Vanessa said slyly.

“Hmm…I don’t remember what thing you’re talking about.”

Vanessa felt her heartrate pick up.

“You don’t, huh?” she asked.

“Uh-uh. I’m drawing a complete blank,” Megan answered. She rolled off Vanessa and lay face down on the bed. Vanessa watched as she slowly brought her legs towards her chest, raising her ass up.

“Refresh my memory,” Megan instructed.

Vanessa licked her lips.

So much for taking a break.


“I’m starving!” Vanessa declared fifteen minutes later, propping herself up on her arms over a quivering and flushed Megan, who she had just brought to another climax.

It took a moment for Megan to catch her breath enough to speak.

“Me too. I’ll cook something,” she managed to whisper.

Vanessa was surprised.


Megan opened her eyes and met Vanessa’s.

“Well, by cook, I mean place an order and have food delivered. I actually hate cooking.”

Vanessa laughed.

“Me too! Absolutely loathe it!”

“Something else we have in common,” Megan said, and as Vanessa looked down into Megan’s eyes, she swore something passed between them and she was a little unnerved by the intensity of it.

Fling! Just a fling!

Vanessa’s throat suddenly felt dry but she managed to say, “What shall we order?”

“Do you like pizza?” Megan asked. She reached up and wrapped her arms around Vanessa’s shoulders. “Because if you don’t, you can just get dressed and leave right now.” She pulled Vanessa in for a quick kiss.

“I love pizza,” Vanessa assured her.

“And I love tasting myself on your lips,” Megan said, reaching up for another kiss.

After both women were out of bed and dressed, Megan used her phone to order a pizza be delivered from a local place she liked. As they headed downstairs to wait for the food to arrive, Vanessa made an observation.

“I see you’ve started packing,” she said after noticing three large cardboard boxes placed against a wall near the top of the stairs. Each of the boxes was sealed with tape.

“Sort of,” Megan replied. “Those are just some odds and ends I plan on storing at my parents’ house in La Jolla when I leave for New York.”

The mention of New York caused a pang to twinge in Vanessa’s chest but she forced herself to ignore it. Yes, she was enjoying her time with Megan but this was all it was ever going to be: energetic bouts of sex followed by food.

“Wine?” Megan asked when they reached the first floor.