Megan’s eyes narrowed.

“Look. At. The. Clock.”

Vanessa did as she was told. The digital display read 12:38 p.m. She looked back at Megan.

Again, Megan held her gaze with a laser focus.

“I know what you want,” she told Vanessa, her breath caressing Vanessa’s wetness, “But every time you misbehave, you’re going to wait another five minutes.”

Vanessa’s mouth dropped open.


Megan smiled slyly. “You’ll get what you want at 12:43. Maybe.”

“That’s not fair!” Vanessa whined.

“12:48,” Megan replied instantly.

Oh God, no!

Megan lowered her head and resumed kissing and sucking every bit between Vanessa’s legs. Except her clit.

Vanessa’s moans increased in octave when Megan’s tongue darted its way inside her, exploring, lapping.

“Fuck, you taste good,” Megan murmured. “I wanna drink you all day.”

This was too much!

“Please,” Vanessa begged.

Megan looked up again.

Oh no!

“The correct phrasing is ‘Please, Megan.’” She kissed Vanessa’s pubic hair. “12:53.”

Fuck! This wasn’t happening.

“But I didn’t know!”

“‘But I didn’t know, Megan.’ 12:58,” Megan said before licking Vanessa’s inner left thigh. “I’ve got all day, Vanessa.”

Good God! No!

Yet this was turning Vanessa on even more. She had never, ever been this wet! She could feel it trickling out of her, pooling on the bed sheets now that it was no longer contained by her panties. And she moaned louder each time she felt Megan’s tongue drinking the liquid arousal. But she needed her clit touched. It was pulsing so hard the tingles were felt in her toes. All she could do was moan for some kind of release—and she wondered if she’d be punished for that but, damn it, it couldn’t be helped. Turns out, Megan was merciful after all. She let the moaning slide. Vanessa just had to not speak. And she had to keep her hands away from Megan’s head. This was Megan’s game. Those were the rules. Megan was the boss and she was ruthless. And it was the sexiest fucking thing on earth.

Vanessa gasped and arched her back as her labia were sucked again.

Don’t speak! Don’t speak!

She let out a breathy “Ohhhh!” as she felt a finger slip inside. It was glorious but insufficient, yet she now knew better than to beg for another. Instead, Vanessa bit the knuckle of her index finger to keep from saying a word. She might be too demanding or forget to say the name of her torturer. She couldn’t bear another five-minute penalty. She just couldn’t.

Apparently, she did good because after a minute or so another finger slipped in. The two digits were stroked slowly in and out while Megan’s mouth nibbled Vanessa’s thigh.

God in heaven…

A third finger. Vanessa whimpered. Completely unbidden by its owner Vanessa’s center clutched at the three fingers. It now had a mind of its own. Just underneath her pubic bone the orgasm was still waiting, building up. Layers of unreleased pleasure kept stacking atop one another, yearning for the dam to break.