“I do! I’m so glad you liked it!”

Megan opened her wine chiller, extracted a bottle of gewürztraminer and set about filling two wine glasses, annoyed that her hands were shaking, hoping that Vanessa didn’t notice.

Calm down! Calm down! Calm down!

Easier said than done. She could smell Vanessa close to her. One of those ultra-sexy body lotion scents from Bath and Body Works which Megan liked.

Turning around, she found that Vanessa was very close. All Megan wanted to do was grab a handful of that impossibly black hair and pull the woman in for a deep kiss. Instead, she simply handed Vanessa a wine glass.

“Cheers,” she said.

“Cheers,” Vanessa replied, and they clinked glasses. After that first sip, Megan licked her lips and was gratified to see Vanessa’s eyes follow the action of her tongue before Vanessa licked her own lips as well.

Megan made a decision.

Putting down her wine glass back on the counter, she then took Vanessa’s glass away from her and did the same. Vanessa didn’t protest. Then she looked straight into Vanessa’s eyes as she reached to take hold of Vanessa’s hips. She noticed Vanessa’s breath hitch, but Vanessa didn’t pull away and so Megan gently started pulling Vanessa closer until the space between them was erased and she could feel Vanessa’s breasts pressed against her own, a sensation her clit took notice of.

Vanessa was slightly taller and so Megan had to tilt her head a bit to claim Vanessa’s lips. They were soft and plump and slick with gloss and tasted of wine. Megan groaned and pulled Vanessa in tighter. Vanessa’s kiss was receptive, yielding to Megan’s lead and Megan pressed her tongue forward, demanding entry, which Vanessa granted, and their tongues began dancing. When Megan heard Vanessa purr with pleasure, she felt arousal pooling between her legs.

After what seemed to Megan to be either two minutes or twenty, they parted, both somewhat breathless.

“What’s your favorite color?” Megan asked.

Vanessa gave her a confused look. Megan couldn’t blame her. Talk about a curveball.

“Um…orange,” Vanessa said, puzzlement in her voice.

Megan made a face.

“Orange? No one says orange!”

“Yeah, I know, but I love it,” Vanessa said. “I mean, I never wear it because orange looks terrible on me, but whenever I see the color, it makes me happy. Why on earth are you asking me about my favorite color?”

Megan smiled.

“Because I’ve kinda lost interest in going to the beach,” she answered.

Chapter 11

Somehow, they ended up on the couch, Megan leaning forward, forcing Vanessa back until Vanessa was reclining against the sofa’s cushioned arm. Megan’s bottom lip was curled between her teeth as she stared down at Vanessa, who was suddenly feeling excitedly like captured prey.

“I like this aggressiveness of yours,” Vanessa said.

“Do you now?” Megan asked. She swooped her head down and licked behind Vanessa’s ear before nipping her earlobe.

Vanessa groaned and then said, “Yes.”

“You like a woman who takes control?” Megan asked, ghosting Vanessa’s lips with her own.

Vanessa was feeling dizzy. Yes, God, yes, she liked a woman who took control. She enjoyed being shown who was boss.

“Yes,” Vanessa breathed. “Now, kiss me.”


Vanessa gasped in pleasure at having been shushed.

Megan pulled away just enough to flash Vanessa a wicked smile. Her eyes were like those of a huntress. She brought her head down again until her lips were brushing against Vanessa’s ear.