Thinking of being prepared, she went back to her dresser, opened the top drawer, rummaged around and found the matching black lace bra and panties she was looking for.

She knew that there was every reason to believe that Megan’s invitation to come over for wine was just that: an invitation for wine and nothing else. They’d each drink a glass of white and then leave for the beach, nothing more than that.

But, fuck, I hope not!

Tossing the lingerie on the bed, she looked at the clock.

Seriously? Over an hour left?

Her hair was already dried and brushed; all she had to do was either pull it back into a ponytail or leave it down with maybe a cute hair band on top. Makeup would be light, mostly accentuating her eyes. In other words, it would only take her twenty minutes, tops, to get dressed, made up and then out the door.

She just had to kill time.

So far, that had proven harder than she thought possible, as her failure to even remember a single thing she had been reading in a magazine proved.

She went back into the living room, where she had left her phone, and called Chloë. Despite the differences in their ages, Chloë had become one of Vanessa’s closest friends and she missed having Chloë around the coffeeshop every day. Her friend answered on the first ring.

“Hey,” Chloë greeted.

Vanessa frowned. Chloë was usually far bubblier; more “Hey!!” with the two exclamation points audible.

“Hey, back,” Vanessa said.

“So, what’s up?”

“Are you okay? You sound off somehow.”

“I’m good. What are you up to?”

“I’m meeting Megan in a little bit,” Vanessa said, hoping the cheeriness in her voice would somehow transmit to Chloë wirelessly and perk her friend up. Instead, Vanessa swore she could hear Chloë sigh in irritation.

“Great,” Chloë eventually replied. “Hope you and Megan have a great time.”

“C’mon, out with it...what’s wrong?” Vanessa insisted. This was too weird. Chloë was the proverbial duck from whose back water ran off; she never let things bother her, at least to the point where they manifested themselves in surly behavior.

“Look, nothing’s wrong, Vanessa. I’m just...I don’t know...I’m just not feeling chatty today, that’s all. Sorry.”

“Okay, fair enough,” Vanessa assured her. Maybe it was just PMS, she thought. “Anyway, if it turns out there is something bothering you, just call me, okay?”

“I won’t interrupt your perfect date with Megan, don’t worry.”

There! She did it again. The way she said Megan’s name, kind of resentful like. Vanessa quickly reviewed the previous night’s party at Angela and Desiree’s. Had Megan said or did something to offend Chloë? Vanessa didn’t think so. In fact, to the best of her recollection, Megan and Chloë had barely interacted.

Vanessa shrugged. Maybe Chloë was just a little out of sorts because she just had a breakup with—wait, what was her name? Lori? Lauren? It was hard to keep track of all the names with Chloë.

“Well, it’s not a date,” Vanessa corrected Chloë. “We’re just hanging out for a bit today, that’s all. Anyway, I guess I’ll talk to you later?”

“Yeah, later,” Chloë said with a sigh.

The call over, Vanessa tossed her phone on the empty sofa cushion next to her. So much for killing time that way. She reached for her TV remote.

Netflix it was.

Chapter 10

Megan checked her makeup in the bathroom mirror for the umpteenth time.

Stop it! You look fine!